Dinesh D’Souza Exposes Fox News’ Outrageous Censorship: “Tucker Carlson and his team specifically instructed Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote NOT to mention the movie”

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This article comes from “100percentfedup.cpm”

On Monday morning, Dinesh D’Souza revealed that Tucker Carlson and his team at Fox instructed True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht not to mention his new documentary 2000 Mules during her recent interview.

“I’m sorry to say Tucker Carlson and his team specifically instructed Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote NOT to mention the movie,” D’Souza posted on Twitter in response to another user who asked Tucker Carlson if he would be mentioning 2000 Mules on his show.

In her interview with Carlson, Engelbrecht was able to discuss her research and findings regarding nationwide voter fraud during the 2020 election. However, there was no mention of the new documentary that was based on her incredible investigative work.

Watch the interview below:

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