February 2024

“The Obamas Are RUNNING the Country” – Victor Davis Hanson

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From “vigilantnews.com” “The Obamas are RUNNING the country,” says military historian Victor Davis Hanson. Barack Obama said he wanted to serve a third term “in my basement in my sweats.” And he’s “living his dream” using Joe Biden as a “cardboard person they cut out,” declared Hanson. “Obama never moved the country as left as he

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“The Obamas Are RUNNING the Country” – Victor Davis Hanson Read More »

Hilton proudly sponsors the illegal migrant invasion of America

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” Independent journalist, former Green Beret and experienced combat correspondent Michael Yon, who was recently deep inside the Darien Gap, revealed how he found travel and hospitality giant Hilton is sponsoring illegal immigration and United States invasion. The former United States Army Special Forces member posted on X, formerly Twitter, photos

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Hilton proudly sponsors the illegal migrant invasion of America Read More »

Why Are Billionaires Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers?

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From “endoftheamericandream.com” If you want to determine what people believe, don’t listen to what they say.  Rather, closely watch what they actually do.  In recent days, the stock market has been hovering near all-time record highs and business leaders have been assuring us that good days are ahead.  But meanwhile many of our most famous

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Why Are Billionaires Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers? Read More »

From Trucker Boycotts To Grid Down – There’s Only One Way To Survive A Food Crisis

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From “alt-market.us” This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Prepper Beef If there is one reality that Americans need to accept, it’s that every system has a breaking point and there are no exceptions. Human beings are built to adapt and this has given us incredible resilience, but it also means we

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From Trucker Boycotts To Grid Down – There’s Only One Way To Survive A Food Crisis Read More »

Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots

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From Greg Reese The challenge is not to disassociate, but to bear witness. Since every person alive now is either a victim of the shots, or a witness. Transcript of video: Kayla Pollock was one of millions coerced and deceived into getting the deadly COVID shots when they were mandated in 2021. Reporter: Can you

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Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots Read More »

Bill Gates Says India’s Digital ID Must Become Mandatory in America

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Bill Gates has called for the digital ID system in India to become mandatory in America and other Western nations as a matter or urgency. Gates recently announced on his blog that he is visiting India, and made sure to boast that the Gates Foundation is involved in what he calls “efforts that are saving millions

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Bill Gates Says India’s Digital ID Must Become Mandatory in America Read More »

The CIA Murdered The 1st Amendment

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Governments have always had a twitchy trigger finger when it comes to wielding the shiny weapon of mass psyops. Now in 2024, the ragged media landscape, weaponized to the hilt, actively serves the public a steady diet of omission. Vomiting out the preordained tenets of a full blown Neo Marxist

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The CIA Murdered The 1st Amendment Read More »

Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down

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Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors Read More »

Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes

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From “childrenshealthdefense.org” In 2007, Marcia and Jason Haller — high school sweethearts who met in Duluth, Minnesota — bought their dream property north of Duluth to peacefully live close to nature and Marcia’s family. Little did they know then that American Towers, AT&T and T-Mobile would soon build a cell tower just 900 feet from their

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Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes Read More »