April 2021

Private school announces ban on staffers who take coronavirus vaccines, as they might threaten the health of students

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ The Centner Academy in Miami sent out an email to its staff this past week warning them not to take any Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections because of the serious risks involved. Administrators at the private school explained that it is simple too risky for “unvaccinated individuals” to have injected people roaming around campus. Any […]

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Private school announces ban on staffers who take coronavirus vaccines, as they might threaten the health of students Read More »

Biden forces working taxpayers to foot bill for those injured, killed by Covid-19 vaccines

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ If you live in the United States, decide to get an experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, and become seriously injured as a result, the Biden regime will pay you to stay home and “recover” – all on the dime of hard-working American taxpayers, of course. China Joe’s latest scheme to rob from

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Biden forces working taxpayers to foot bill for those injured, killed by Covid-19 vaccines Read More »

Vaccine Shedding Causing Miscarriages and Blood Clots in Unvaccinated Females

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There are many sources that are discovering that people that have been getting the “COVID19” vaccines are “shedding” and infecting other people. There have been reports that one person of a two person household gets the vaccine and then the other person gets “COVID19” soon afterwards. The best defense is you own immune system and

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Vaccine Shedding Causing Miscarriages and Blood Clots in Unvaccinated Females Read More »

CDC reports seventh case of severe blood clot linked to Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine… but how many other deaths have been missed?

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On Wednesday, April 14, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it had learned of a seventh woman who developed a severe blood clot after being inoculated with the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson. The seventh possible patient was identified as a 28-year-old woman. This case did not involve a brain hemorrhage, as some of the

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CDC reports seventh case of severe blood clot linked to Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine… but how many other deaths have been missed? Read More »

“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ As post-vaccine deaths are now ravaging India and Brazil, across the United States people are noticing a sudden surge in automobile accidents on roadways. People are driving off the roads and striking trees. They’re veering into other cars for head-on collisions. And they are apparently losing cognitive function while behind

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“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel Read More »

Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Facebook has removed a popular, rapidly growing group where members would post stories about alleged negative COVID-19 vaccine side effects. (Article by Tom Parker republished from ReclaimTheNet.org) The group, “COVID19 VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES,” had over 120,000 followers when it was shut down and had been gaining more than 10,000 followers per

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Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions Read More »

Over 200 doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it inexpensively reduces covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Over two hundred doctors and scientists have come together in support of worldwide distribution of vitamin D to help treat covid infections and reduce hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths. The doctors are calling on all governments and healthcare systems around the world to immediately recommend and distribute vitamin D to adult populations.

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Over 200 doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it inexpensively reduces covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths Read More »

Mississippi man suffers a STROKE four hours after getting Johnson & Johnson vaccine

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ A Mississippi man experienced a blood clot and a stroke just four hours after getting Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. His family believes the vaccine is responsible for his ordeal. Brad Malagarie, 43, of St. Martin, Mississippi, was admitted to a hospital in Louisiana following a stroke. (Related: New Jersey man in critical condition with coronavirus

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Mississippi man suffers a STROKE four hours after getting Johnson & Johnson vaccine Read More »