Biden regime paid screenwriters, comedians to mock the unvaccinated

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 A Judicial Watch lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is uncovering a massive government-funded propaganda campaign aimed at brainwashing the American public into getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The Biden regime, we now know, has been using your tax dollars to pay off comedians, screenwriters, social media influencers, and even “church leaders” to recruit more bodies for the mass injection experiment.

The media, entertainment, and religious industries are also being exploited by Biden and his cronies to mock and ridicule the unvaccinated, we now know. Those who refuse to get injected are to be shamed and treated as second-class citizens, the case has revealed.

A Judicial Watch press release entitled “Judicial Watch Uncovers Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine” explains that the group has already received some 249 pages of records from HHS outlining extensive plans for using the media and religion to push covid shots. (Related: Remember when Biden tried to ban unvaccinated Americans from crossing state lines?)

Biden regime approached Tom Brady to create video with parents encouraging covid “vaccination”

All entertainment, talent, and management agencies were instructed to receive a “vaccine engagement package” from Biden outlining strategies for promoting the jabs and mocking anyone who rejects them.

Such messaging is to be inserted into shows, movies, media reports, religious sermons, and other materials, an outline of bullet points from HHS explains. Major “culture event” producers were also targeted by the regime for pro-jab messaging.

Efforts have also been made to find and exploit more “local Black doctors” to push Fauci Flu shots on non-whites, which are less likely than whites to get injected for the Chinese Virus.

To capture more football fans, HHS also recommended pursuing Tom Brady to have him create a video with his parents, who tested “positive” for covid, encouraging sports lovers to roll up their sleeves.

Comedy lovers were to be propagandized during stand-up routines with specially crafted jokes about how the unvaccinated are stupid and put everyone else around them at risk of “catching” the Wuhan Flu.

If all of that failed to produce the desired outcome, another idea involved lacing Christian programming with pro-jab messaging about how Jesus would “love thy neighbor” by getting jabbed for Chinese Germs.

Evangelical leaders like Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)Focus on the Family, evangelist Franklin Graham, and others all appear to have taken the bait as each of these entities was caught manipulating scripture to push the shots on their followers and congregations.

Roman Catholics were also targeted via Catholic newspapers and newsletters that were blasted across the nation to devoted followers. They were told that the persecuted saints and martyrs of old would have gotten jabbed in order to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

“These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was also involved, having received $1 billion in “stimulus” cash to issue payoffs and bribes to intended messaging targets.

“They used this money to flood tech platforms, Hollywood writers and influencers with dark money, and in return they had to sell their soul by promoting the mRNA jabs,” reports explain.

“This was all taxpayer money used to brainwash Americans with a monstrous, coordinated vaccine propaganda campaign coordinated by HHS and the CDC.”

The latest Fauci Flu shot-related news can be found at

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