Will Smith Says Trump Supporters Must Be Monitored And ‘Cleansed’ From America

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This article comes from “newspunch.com”

Trump supporters should be monitored, put on a list and “cleansed” from American society, according to Hollywood star Will Smith.

“As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk, and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good,” said Smith. “We get to hear it, we get to know who people are, and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”

Will Smith is becoming increasingly political and teased the idea of running for office one day during an interview on “Pod Save America.”

On the episode, Smith joined hosts Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor to promote his Netflix docuseries “Amend: The Fight for America,” but he also divuleged his personal interest in politics.

The podcast hosts are all former aides to former President Obama.

The Hollywood actor admitted that he “absolutely” has an opinion when it comes to activism, “systemic racism” and ideas for the America’s future. When asked whether he would consider running for political office himself, Smith wasn’t afraid to admit that he has ambitions in the arena.

“I will certainly do my part, whether it remain artistic or at some point venture into the political arena,” said Smith.

As to when he will throw his hat in the ring, Smith was unsure, saying, “For now, let that office get cleaned up a little bit. I’ll consider it at some point down the line.”

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