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Details have begun to emerge of a secret plot by former First Lady Michelle Obama and the Democrat establishment to replace President Joe Biden ahead of the critical 2024 election.
Obama has reportedly already surveyed major Democrat donors about her potential candidacy.
In 2022, she also allegedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York City that she was running in 2024.
Now a new report has revealed plans for Obama to replace Biden on the ticket ahead of the Democrat National Convention this summer.
According to the New York Post, citing “credible sources few have access to and usually not meant for the noses of the media,” Obama is positioning herself to replace Biden and run against President Donald Trump.
“Obama has polled donors,” the outlet’s Cindy Adams wrote Monday.
From the New York Post:
His plan? Around May, Biden announces he’s not running (even mentally).
The so-called plot is that come the August convention, Michelle gets nominated.
Next step, Hunter’s father — the temp — drops out just before that convention.
For now, he still play-acts like he’s a real candidate.
Announcing today our dodo-in-chief would have to stop quacking and become a lame duck.
Their plan is currently being tweaked.
Obama has reportedly already sent surveys to “heavy-duty donors” to explore their reaction to her jumping into the race.
“The process has begun,” according to Adams.
Additionally, a centrist political organization called “No Labels” is fielding Obama’s candidacy.
“Murmurs” of her entering the race may emerge into the corporate media conversation in the coming weeks, the report suggests.
“The assumption is they name some appealing candidates after March 15 whom they are now quietly vetting,” Adams wrote.
“Mid-February we should hear murmurs.”
In a recent interview, Obama she’s kept awake at night over a possible Trump victory in November, as Slay News reported.
She claims that she’s “terrified” by the prospect of another four years of Trump and insists that “leaders matter.”
“I am terrified about what could happen, because our leaders matter,” she said.
“Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways sometimes I think people take for granted.”
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is also convinced that Biden will soon drop out of the 2024 race.
Trump confidante Roger Stone has likewise predicted for years that Michelle Obama would be the Democrats’ candidate for 2024.
As Slay News reported, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has also repeatedly insisted that Michelle Obama will be running in the election in place of Biden.
Cruz has revealed that rumors are swirling around Washington D.C. that the Democrat elite plans to replace Biden with the former first lady.
“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and most dangerous,” the senator said on his “Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast in September.
“In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”
Cruz later added further speculation that Biden will not be chosen as the 2024 nominee.
The senator also predicts that the distinction will go to Michelle Obama in a last-minute Democratic National Convention decision this summer.
“I think the odds are very significant that next summer at the Democrat National Convention that the Democrat party will jettison Joe Biden and will throw him off the ticket, and they will parachute in instead, Michelle Obama to be their candidate,” Cruz told Sean Hannity in late September, doubling down on his previous predictions.
“I think they’re gonna look to Michelle Obama as the savior to come in,” Cruz continued.
“I think if that happens, that would be very, very dangerous.”