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In an attempt at plugging the leak of truthful information online, the government of Connecticut has created a new Ministry of Truth bureaucratic position to scour social media for “misinformation.”
According to reports, the job will pay $150,000 per year, and its entire purpose is to purge the internet of anything the government deems as “false.”
The New York Times reported that whoever gets hired into the slot will be tasked with flagging memes, “emerging narratives,” and other content that has the potential to go “viral.” Part of the job position is to specifically target so-called “alt tech” platforms such as GETTR and Rumble.
To be sure that Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other Hispanic people are not exposed to the same “misinformation” in Spanish, the qualified candidate will need to be bilingual as well.
The new job was announced in an election year, of course, the clear aim being to avoid any more Republican wins. (Related: The corporate-controlled media is also trying to silence the independent media for the same purpose.)
California, Colorado, Idaho and many other states are also spending taxpayer money to police the internet
Connecticut is not alone in its quest to sanitize information online. California and Colorado are both trying to do the same thing, reports indicate – and the latter actually already did this in 2020, unbeknownst to many.
Colorado’s “Rapid Response Election Security Cyber Unit,” as it is called, was first deployed in 2020 to stop Donald Trump and other Republicans from winning the election. That same unit is once again being deployed in 2022 for the upcoming midterms.

“This unit is made up of three election security experts who will surveil the internet for election misinformation and report it to federal law enforcement,” Reclaim the Net revealed.
Colorado’s Democratic Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, will head up the unit, her justification for its existence being that “lies are being used to chip away at our fundamental freedoms.”
In California, the office of the Secretary of State is working alongside the federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to stamp out the truth by probing for “patterns of misinformation across the internet.”
“In addition to these flagging and censorship efforts, Colorado, Oregon, Idaho, and Arizona will also be spending millions of dollars on ad campaigns that push ‘accurate’ election information,” Reclaim the Net further reported.
Scott Bates, the Deputy Secretary of State in Connecticut, says his state’s Ministry of Truth is needed in order to achieve “situational awareness by looking into all the incoming threats to the integrity of elections.”
“Misinformation can erode people’s confidence in elections, and we view that as a critical threat to the democratic process,” Bates is further quoted as saying.
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, on the other hand, is horrified by this new trend. He says that all of these states are “setting up ‘Ministries of Truth’ to censor Americans.”
These Ministries of Truth all align with the Biden regime’s new “Disinformation Governance Board,” which was recently launched for the very same purpose of fighting “disinformation” online.
The Biden regime is scouring Facebook for unacceptable posts and flagging them for censorship. Democrats all across the country are reportedly doing the same thing on Twitter to force the removal of unsavory tweets.
“Critics have argued that programs that involve public officials flagging speech for Big Tech platforms to censor violate the First Amendment because the government is coercing these private companies to censor on its behalf,” Reclaim the Net explains.
“However, courts have so far dismissed lawsuits that allege these public-private censorship initiatives violate the First Amendment.”
The latest news about the Democrats’ desperate attempts at silencing the truth can be found at
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