After ‘Walking Aides’ Tactic Fails, Biden Is Now Being Hidden From The Press

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Boarded Marine One before press were allowed to gather.

Joe Biden is now being actively hidden from the press after previous attempts to obscure his C3PO shuffle with ‘walking aides’ failed.

As we highlighted, Axios reported that Biden was being surrounded by handlers when moving around in front of the press in a desperate effort to disguise the fact that he can’t walk properly.

Biden’s Handlers Attempting To Hide That He Can Barely Walk

They had a few attempts to get it right, but reporters were still able to get footage of Biden’s awkward old man shuffle, which he reportedly hates seeing back on video.

Today, reporters were heard on video complaining that Biden boarded the Marine One helicopter before they were even allowed to gather and set up their cameras on the White House lawn.

As such no one saw him walk to the chopper and the press was unable to ask any questions or shoot pictures and video.

As we also previously highlighted, Biden is already wearing massive shoes in order to keep upright and not fall over.

Video: Biden’s Handlers Have Him In Massive Hoka Shoes To Stop Him Toppling Over

Why not just be done with it and lock him in his basement again?

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