Alarming Map Reveals China’s Takeover of U.S. Farmland

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A frightening map illustrates the large swaths of the US where the Chinese communist government has purchased hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, as one GOP congressman proposes to ban the foreign buyouts.

The map, produced by, shows Beijing owns agricultural real estate in 29 out of 50 US states, including in Washington, Oregon, California, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Georgia, for a whopping total of over 347,000 acres.

Image courtesy of the

Image courtesy of the

Moreover, the Mail reports foreign countries own over 49 million acres of farmland in the US, possibly posing a hazard for Americans’ food supply.

Image courtesy of the

Iowa Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa) has proposed an amendment to the House Agriculture Committee’s 2024 Farm Bill restricting foreign purchases of US farmland, and says Americans should be concerned for their food security.

“Communist China shouldn’t be allowed to buy another acre of American farmland, nor should we rely upon our top foreign adversary for key parts of our food supply chain,” Hinson said in a statement to the DailyMail.

“Food security is national security!” Hinson added on X.

A detailed summary of the 942-page bill, estimated to cost $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years, notes the Farm Bill “Requires a report on any agricultural land owned by citizens or entities with ties to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other state sponsors of terrorism and identifies potential threats from the ownership of such land.”

Hinton, who serves on the House Select Committee on the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) also joined Fox News this week to discuss her efforts to reduce the US’s reliance on China for critical minerals necessary for defense and technology sectors.

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to ban Chinese nationals from buying US farmland if he takes back the White House in November.

From the New York Post:

“China is buying up our technology. They’re buying up food supplies. They’re buying up our farmland. They’re buying up our minerals and natural resources. They’re buying up our ports and shipping terminals. And with the help of corrupt influence-peddlers like the Biden crime family, China is even trying to buy up the pillars of the US energy industry,” the 45th president says. “While some are focused on China’s purchases near power plants and military bases, the fact is we should be very concerned about all Chinese Communist activity in the United States. As I’ve long said, economic security is national security,” Trump continues.

“China does not allow American companies to take over their critical infrastructure and America should not allow China to take over our critical infrastructure … To protect our country, we need to enact aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of any vital infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies and other strategic national assets.

“We should stop all future Chinese purchases in these essential industries. And we should begin the process of forcing the Chinese to sell any current holdings that put our national security at risk,” the former president goes on. “If we don’t do this, the United States will be owned by China, which would make them very happy. When I’m president, I will ensure that America’s future remains firmly in American hands, just as I did when I was president before. It’ll happen again and our country will be stronger than ever.”

Likewise, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has called attention to the issue.

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