AP says government’s mistreatment of Jan. 6 prisoners is just a “conspiracy theory”

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com”

The one year anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, “insurrection” at the United States Capitol has passed, and the mainstream media is still lying about the nature of the incident.

In a new hit piece, the Associated Press (AP) declares — based on the findings of its “fact checkers” — that the continued abuse of the “insurrectionists” who are still sitting in prison without a proper trial is just a wild “conspiracy theory” hocked up by the right.

Reporter David Klepper wrote that some of the suspects “have complained about their time in jail,” but that “it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners.”

“Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate,” Klepper further wrote.

“[H]ow did this pass the quality check for fact checking at AP?” asked independent reporter Andy Ngô in a tweet. (Related: The government was also caught lying about the death of Officer Brian Sicknick, who supposedly perished from “natural causes”.)

“Claim: Jailed Jan. 6 riot suspects are mistreated.

Klepper: False. Authorities say they get food.”

Klepper’s misinformation piece also claims falsely that the so-called “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley was given organic food after requesting it by jail staff.

D.C. prisons have become Guantanamo Bay for right-wing protesters

The attorneys of some of the prisoners say that their clients are in much worse shape than Klepper alleges.


Many of these lawyers are regularly being denied access to their clients, for one. There are also claims that political prisoners are being tortured while in the D.C. jail.

In some cases, prisoners are being held in solitary confinement while others are being beaten, threatened and verbally assaulted by guards.

The attorney for Ryan Samsel says his client’s face looks “like a tomato that was stomped on” after correctional officers reportedly beat him, leaving him “blind in one eye, [with] a skull fracture and detached retina.”

Inmate Ronald Sandlin also stated that “minority” guards are specifically targeting white prisoners with racial abuse. One of the minority guards supposedly shouted out “I hate all white people and your honky religion.”

Another attorney named Joseph McBride that appeared on CNN last year says that his client was dragged “five miles from the White House” to be brutally tortured.

One prisoner with cancer reportedly had to be released due to “unsafe conditions” with the police. Even CNN admitted that there are problems with this whole situation.

“What is being described by these political prisoners is nothing short of human rights violations,” said Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar in a statement. “The silence from the ACLU & Amnesty International is deafening.”

At Summit.news, readers were outraged at these latest revelations.

“Everything the media told you about January 6th was a lie,” one of them wrote. “All of it.”

“What is worse, much worse, is that the lies are so feeble, transparent and childish,” responded another.

“They are just throwing at the wall hoping that some of it sticks! The never fact checked the Russian collusion, conspiracy theory. Old Joe and his party can make any claim they like and they do repeatedly.”

Another described the AP as “lying, ludicrous, licentious leeches” with “zero credibility” – “just like CNN.”

Regardless of how the political prisoners are being treated, wrote another, their continued jailing without charges or a proper trial is unconstitutional and illegal.

“The Constitution gives them the right to a speedy trial,” this same person wrote. “That hasn’t happened. They are stuck in the D.C. gulag.”

More of the latest news about mainstream media propaganda can be found at Propaganda.news.

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