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At this point it’s painfully obvious the Biden administration has no intention of lowering the cost of gasoline for everyday Americans.
Joe Biden bluntly said Americans can continue to expect high gas prices indefinitely.
“How long is it fair to expect American drivers and drivers around the world to pay that premium for this war [in Ukraine],” Biden was asked by New York Times reporter Jim Tankersley Thursday during a NATO summit in Madrid.
“As long as it takes,” Biden responded, adding, “so Russia cannot in fact defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine.”
The New York Times deliberately misrepresented Biden’s quote in a headline Thursday, disingenuously telling readers he vowed to “Back Ukraine ‘as Long as It Takes,‘” when his comment was more accurately in reference to high gas prices.

Biden went on to claim, “The reason why gas prices are up, is because of Russia—Russia, Russia, Russia. The reason why the food crisis exists, is because of Russia, Russia…”
The president’s response played on the phony “Putin’s Price Hike” narrative his administration continues to perpetuate; however, Biden and staffers in the past have revealed there’s an ongoing agenda to curtail the use of oil and fossil fuels and transition to green energy.
This was evidenced recently in comments by Biden economic advisor Brian Deese, who told CNN that high gas prices are “about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm.”
Back in May during a trip to Tokyo, Biden again let it slip that skyrocketing energy prices were a result of a green transition initiative.
“When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that God willing when it’s over we’ll be stronger.”
“The world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” he added.
At this point it’s painfully obvious the Biden administration has no intention of lowering the cost of gasoline for everyday Americans.
And the American people aren’t fooled. According to a survey conducted by the Trafalgar Group in May, 53% of respondents said they “believe the Biden Administration is intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels.”
Meanwhile, Biden advisor Gina McCarthy has suggested social media companies start cracking down on and censoring anyone who spreads information critical of the administration’s so called “green energy transition.”
And relief at the pump appears to be nowhere in sight for Americans, as Zero Hedge reports the White House is quietly modeling $200 per barrel oil prices, which would translate to $10 per gallon for motorists.
Watch Biden’s full statement on gas prices in Madrid: