Before Trump was indicted for challenging stolen election, Democrats denied election results more than 150 times

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Democrats everywhere are patting themselves on the back after a Georgia grand jury indicted former President Donald Trump for challenging the fraudulent 2020 election. What they are not telling you, though, is that Democrats have been denying elections for decades without consequence.

On at least 150 different occasions, everyone from two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton to California Rep. Maxine Waters to failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has complained publicly about how they felt as though an election outcome that did not go their way was fraudulent.

Watch the video below to see a montage of fake president Joe Biden and many others denying election results:

Check out the following episode of the “Health Ranger Report” at to learn more about how lawless Democrats are waging a scorched earth campaign against the American people:

Democrats have been complaining FOREVER about election outcomes – why aren’t they all in prison?

It turns out that every single Democrat president since 1977 has questioned the legitimacy of American elections, this according to information compiled by the Republican National Committee (RNC).

There has not yet been a Democrat president, in fact, that in this generation has accepted an election outcome favoring Republicans as legitimate. Why, then, are all these people not being indicted?

In both 2013 and 2016, Biden himself publicly stated that he thought Al Gore rightfully won the 2000 presidential election. In May 2019, Biden said he “absolutely agrees” that Trump was an “illegitimate president.” After the 2022 midterm elections, Biden spoke out against those, too.

In 2006, then-Democrat National Committee (DNC) chairman Howard Dean stated that he is “not confident that the [2004] election in Ohio was fairly decided.” Concerning that same election, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) also stated that she felt it was “appropriate” to have a debate concerning the election outcome.

Also concerning the 2004 election results, then-Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) cast doubt on the legitimacy of electronic voting machines, which were relatively new at the time. Sanders expressed “worry” that some of the machines did not produce an auditable paper trail.

In all of the whining and complaining we have covered thus far, only Sanders expressed a legitimate concern about the illegitimacy of electronic voting machines, which we now know are, in fact, easily hackable to produce pre-determined election outcomes.

In 2016, at least seven House Democrats objected to the election results from that year. After Trump’s victor that year, a whopping 67 Democrats actually boycotted his inauguration with several stating publicly that they felt as though Trump’s election to the White House was illegitimate.

In 2017, Clinton stated that she will not “rule out” questioning that same election, adding in October 2020 that she officially believed the 2016 election was not conducted legitimately.

“We still don’t really know what happened,” Clinton stated at the time.

What happened, Hillary, is that more Americans than not came out to vote for Trump, while almost nobody in their right mind supported you. It is hard to believe for someone as overly ego-inflated as yourself, but try to imagine that you are not as popular as you wish you were.

After Abrams lost the governor’s election in Georgia in 2018, Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) stated that he felt as though the election was “stolen” from her, and that she was “deprived of the votes [she] otherwise would have gotten.”

“We won,” Abrams herself further stated after losing miserably. “I didn’t lose; we got the votes. We were robbed of an election.”

Abrams continued to use the phrase “stolen election” multiple times after that, arguing that “it was not a free and fair election.”

Will Trump stay out of jail and still run for president in 2024? Learn more at

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