Joe Biden is the most anti gun and anti second amendment President in United States history.
Shawn McBreairty, director of special projects at the Maine First Project, joins Stew Peters to talk about the latest attempt by the Biden administration to cancel the second amendment.
Joe Biden is using a gun control bill that was rammed through in 2022 to direct the Department of Education to defund schools with hunter’s safety and archery courses.
The Left does not care about actually protecting citizens and making America safe.
Instead, they want to disarm law abiding Americans who are generally conservative patriots.
This will leave the rest of the guns in the hands of liberal oligarchs who will use them against conservatives.
Biden and the Left hate the second amendment because it guarantees the exercise of our freedom of speech.
Hunter’s education is an integral way to expose kids to guns in a safe way and it also promotes self reliance.
States that require permits in order to carry a weapon is the equivalent of needing a permission slip from the government in order to exercise your God given right.
This is all about trying to control the population.
If the government succeeds in taking away our guns then the next step would be to enslave the citizenry.