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The Biden regime’s new Ministry of Truth, officially known as the Disinformation Governance Board, is wholly unconstitutional, says Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Brendan Carr.
Appearing on Maria Bartiromo on her “Mornings with Maria” program, Carr called for Biden’s Ministry of Truth to be immediately dismantled because it is entirely illegal.
“Sometimes the threats to our liberty come dressed up in sheep’s clothing, but this wolf comes as a wolf,” Carr said, quoting the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
“This is Orwellian; it’s un-American; it’s unconstitutional. The very best time to shut this down was before the DHS ever announced it, the second-best time is right now.”
You can watch the segment with Bartiromo and Carr below:
In Carr’s view, the very idea of a disinformation board that regulates free speech is antithetical to the United States Constitution, the First Amendment of which guarantees the right to speak one’s mind freely without government imposition.
“This type of board was always going to be a dumpster fire, uh, but the particular director that they chose to run it is just throwing more gas on it,” he explained.
Biden Disinformation Board head calls herself the “Mary Poppins of disinformation”
What makes this all that much more ridiculous is the fact that the Biden regime is packed to the gills with mentally ill people like Rachel Levine, the current U.S. Secretary for Health, who believes that he is a “woman” even though he is biologically a man.

If the regime is serious about getting rid of disinformation, then perhaps it needs to sit Levine down and give him a lesson in basic biologically. If he was born with man parts, then he is a man. He cannot just dress up like a woman and declare himself to be the opposite gender.
The MRC ( published an exposé on May 6 exposing the Disinformation Board’s far-left bent. Co-leader Jennifer Daskal has at least three close ties to far-left billionaire and Democrat mega-donor George Soros.
The Disinformation Board’s director, Nina Jankowicz, is also convinced that she is the “Mary Poppins of disinformation.” She was seen on TikTok singing a show tune ditty about the dangers of disinformation, which was widely mocked across social media.
“This woman, Nina Jankowicz, was among those people saying that Trump colluded with Russia, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake,” explained Bartiromo on her show.
“All of this is obvious that the disinformation is coming from that side.”
Jankowicz did, in fact, spread fake news about Hunter’s laptop being a “fairy tale.” She also cited “intelligence officials” whom she claims confirmed that the story was Russian disinformation.
Since that time, even the far-left Washington Post confirmed that Hunter’s laptop is, in fact, real. What it contains is still being uncovered and released bit by bit.
Ironically enough, Jankowicz has repeatedly spread disinformation about these and other topics that cast Democrats in a negative light. Her goal is not to eliminate disinformation, but rather to silence the truth.
“This is a person” who claims that “it’s really liberals that are being shadow-banned on the internet, not conservatives,” Carr says.
“These aren’t isolated pinpricks. This is a broader effort by this administration to drive dissent from the public square.”
According to Carr, “there’s a broader game afoot” that goes beyond just silencing the truth. He referenced a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) bulletin on terrorism in February, suggesting that people who say things the government disapproves of could soon be classified as “domestic terrorist” threats to the establishment.
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