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New compensatory program completely ignored by mainstream media.
The British government has launched a new financial compensation program for individuals and families of those harmed by the experimental COVID-19 injections as the mainstream media continues to insist they’re “safe and effective.”
The first payments of the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS), which amount to nearly $150,000, have already been made to family members of those maimed or killed by the COVID vaccine.
As we reported in July, Vikki Spit was the first to receive the VDPS payment after the government determined her British rocker fiancée Zion died as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The VDPS will compensate British citizens with a tax-free payment of up to £120,000 ($141,000) if they’re found to have become severely disabled or injured as a result of taking the coronavirus vaccine.
Vaccines for about 20 diseases are eligible for payments under the program, and coronavirus was added to the British government’s website between November 2020 and July 2021 — the height of the mRNA vaccine rollout.

To receive a payment, the government must determine the individual to be at least 60% disabled as a result of taking the experimental shot.
“This could be a mental or physical disablement and will be based on medical evidence from the doctors or hospitals involved in your treatment,” explains the application guidelines.
Family members can also apply on behalf of injured individuals, including children who are at least 2 years old.
“You can also apply for this payment on behalf of someone who has died after becoming severely disabled because of certain vaccinations. You need to be managing their estate to apply.”
The National Health Services (NHS) Business Services Authority had received 1,681 claims related to COVID-19 vaccines as of May 2022.
The British government isn’t the only one that’s begun to compensate vaccine-injured citizens.
The Canadian government has already doled out federal benefits to citizens injured by the COVID jab as part of its own Vaccine Injury Support program.
Japan’s Ministry of Health, under its National Immunization Law, has also awarded compensation last month to the family of a 90-year-old woman who suffered an acute allergic reaction and heart attack after taking the COVID shot.
This comes as the UK government published alarming figures showing that 9 out of 10 COVID-19 deaths in England over the past year came from the fully/triple vaccinated population.
Nevertheless, Joe Biden — who’s been stricken with COVID several times despite being quadruple-vaccinated — and the mainstream corporate media continue to falsely claim the experimental COVID vaccines are safe and effective.