
Trojan labs? Chinese biotech company offers to build COVID testing labs in six states

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This article comes from ““ The state of Washington was the site of the first major coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the U.S. in March last year. As infection rates and the need for tests were spiking, BGI Group – the world’s largest biotech company – approached the state with an enticing offer. BGI proposed to […]

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Trojan labs? Chinese biotech company offers to build COVID testing labs in six states Read More »

Health Ranger posts new microscopy photos of covid swabs, covid masks and mysterious red and blue fibers

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This article comes from ““ What follows is a series of microscopy photos of covid swabs (a synthetic swab, then a cotton swab), a covid mask and some zoomed-in photos of mysterious red and blue fibers found in the masks. The magnification range for these photos is 50X to 200X. Most were taken with white

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Health Ranger posts new microscopy photos of covid swabs, covid masks and mysterious red and blue fibers Read More »

The CDC has been working WITH the CCP since the beginning of the covid-19 scandal

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This article comes from ““ In the beginning of the covid-19 scandal, before the lockdowns ever took hold, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was already partnering with the Confucius Institute, a propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party. In February of 2020, the Principal Deputy Director for the CDC, Anne Schuchat, publicly announced that

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The CDC has been working WITH the CCP since the beginning of the covid-19 scandal Read More »

CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft…

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This article comes from ““ Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship. Another creepy “feature” of a software platform that was originally designed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the Windows 10 keylogger add-on

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CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft… Read More »

Masks, social distancing and virtual learning are really about the installation of COMMUNISM in America

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This article comes from ““ Everything about the “new norm” in America is modeled after Communist China. Most Americans think it’s all about protection from Covid-19, but that’s just the cover story, just like 9/11 was a cover story for the Patriot Act to enable the US government to spy on every American and disable

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Masks, social distancing and virtual learning are really about the installation of COMMUNISM in America Read More »

Harvard has extensive financial ties to Chinese Communist Party

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This article comes from ““ The indoctrination center would never openly admit to such, but Ivy League icon Harvard University has deep financial ties to communist China. Its Shorenstein Center, which published a report recently claiming that Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) studies are bunk, has longstanding ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), working on its

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Harvard has extensive financial ties to Chinese Communist Party Read More »

IT’S A SCAM: Communist China is collecting American DNA through coronavirus testing…

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This article comes from ““ United States intelligence officials have revealed that mass testing for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has nothing to do with saving lives, and everything to do with allowing communist China to covertly harvest the DNA of Americans. One of the main purposes behind the Chinese virus scare is to drive the fearful into

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IT’S A SCAM: Communist China is collecting American DNA through coronavirus testing… Read More »

Canada’s Justin Trudeau letting Chinese Soldiers Train There…

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Justin Trudeau, Canada’s “dictator” has been allowing Chinese soldier’s to train in Canada for winter war tactics and as pilots. This should raise concern for Americans. The Chinese military has a communist ally in Canada and is sitting right above the USA. Something’s up with this and it’s not good. Here is Rebel News covering

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Canada’s Justin Trudeau letting Chinese Soldiers Train There… Read More »