CIA experiment survivor shares her story at the Red Pill Expo on Brighteon

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Dr. Juliette Engel joins Alex Newman in the January 19 episode of The New American, where she talked about her horrifying experiences as a part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s operations, such as Operation Paperclip and MK Ultra.

Project MK Ultra had the CIA conducting hundreds of clandestine experiments to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and even psychological torture.

Speaking about her experience, Engel explained that her uncle and great uncles were all German-speaking American operatives at the Nuremberg trials, and were instrumental in bringing hundreds of Nazi scientists who have done experimentation on concentration camp victims for about 20 years, including for the mind control experiments, as well as the first experiments in transhumanism and creating what they called cyborgs.

“When I was six years old, my father took me to the park and basically, he drugged me with a bottle of Coca-Cola. And basically, they associated my father then raped me in front of him and made me watch him take the money,” Engel shared about her indoctrination in the MK Ultra program.

“And it went on from there, various annexes, different places, everywhere we lived. We moved often because the schools would pick up on something very wrong in our family. And then we would move to a new place. And it all started again.”

Project MK Ultra and the “Secret Butterfly Program” for young girls

How the program was explained to her was different. “It was described to me as the secret butterfly program. So we were given little pins that look like birds, but told that they were actually butterflies. And then there you go with the programming, because the initiation into every programming session, they would tie me to a wheel, spin the wheel faster and faster and faster while people around it chanted,” she said.


“There is no good, there is no bad, there is no light, there is no dark, there is no day there is no night, and it would go on and on and on. There’s no black, there’s no white, there is only when you’re just spitting and ready to throw up. They say there’s only green, and green is the deliberation or the district destruction of all consciousness: It’s not all humanity. And at that point, you’re supposed to be no longer human.”

Engel went on to describe her parents’ involvement with the CIA while her family was stationed at various areas along the southern border. “They made me watch while the associate who molested me paid my father. And when I was begging him for help, he said: ‘This is what I raised you for.’

“I couldn’t trust my father, so I had no one in my life that I could trust. And if it wasn’t for well-meaning teachers and school districts and social workers in schools, I don’t know what would have happened to me.”

Engel went on to explain that the MK ultra program is Hitler’s manifesto for national socialism. They described his plan for the Third Reich and basically, the future of the New World Order. “In that, he describes a race of slaves who come through the psychological conditioning and become operatives all over the world for the controllers, for him, basically, for the National Socialists.” (Related: Mind control now confirmed by scientists: Memories ‘implanted’ directly into brains.)

Furthermore, the CIA recruited children of high-level government officials, people in the industry and those from intelligence communities because they had the best chance of becoming academics who can infiltrate the State Department and high-level government agencies. Engel even went so far as to mention that they were taken to Disneyland, where they pick up men to molest them in one of the rides or take pictures of them.

“So that was all part of the becoming a seductress or learning those skills. And so the programs took place in Seattle, all over different places in California, Chicago, and quite a bit of the time, my time was spent down on the border of Mexico.”

Engel noted that trafficking is a major issue all over the world, adding that a lot of the real evil that’s going on is being fueled by such action.

Watch the full January 19 episode of “The New American” below:

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