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“Thrive Time Show” host Clay Clark has touched on the topic of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and their link to the transhumanist agenda. He and his guest Dr. Carrie Madej talked about it during the Oct. 14 episode of Clark’s program on Brighteon.TV.
Madej warns that the powers that be have already established a 2030 deadline to roll out this agenda.
Clark says: “We’re at a time where everybody’s being told: ‘You have to take these RNA-modifying nanotechnology, fetal tissue-line derived, graphene oxide-filled COVID-19 vaccines to keep your job.’”
Aside from vaccines, Clark mentions Elon Musk’s Neuralink as another example of transhumanism. The “Thrive Time Show” host cited a March 6, 2021 article by the New York Post about Musk’s plan.
According to the article, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX has described Neuralink as a “Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires.” Musk says: “You can get a [Neuralink implant] in an hour without general anesthesia and leave [the] hospital [on] the same day.”
Musk adds that “a great robot who puts in the electrodes and does surgery” is key to making this a reality.
The Post‘s article has also mentioned the comments made by Google Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil. The futurist says: “When we get to the 2030s, we will have neural net technologies that go way beyond what is feasible today [and] exceed human intelligence.”
Kurzweil adds that to make this possible, “an ability to interact with [the brain’s] neocortex at a fast speed far greater than what [can be done] now” is needed.
Musk’s Neuralink appears to be a solution to make this possible. It also aligns with Madej’s definition of transhumanism. “[Transhumanism] is the idea of taking a human body and making it better using genetic modification, nanotechnology, melding the human body with artificial intelligence – you know, those kinds of sci-fi things,” she tells Clark.
The vaccine mandates align with the 2030 deadline for the transhumanist agenda
Madej also elaborates on the COVID-19 vaccines and how they will usher in the transhumanist agenda espoused by the powers that be. “I speak mostly on this nanotechnology – this genetic modification, particularly as it pertains to these injections falsely called vaccines – and human rights,” she says. (Related: Dr. Carrie Madej reveals to Health Ranger that Covid vaccines contain “exotic nanotech” for tracking and bio-control.)
The doctor shares to Clark how she was initially introduced to the transhumanist agenda. She explains: “I started to learn about that around 2013 when I was introduced to business owners’ meetings here in metro Atlanta, as well as scientific meetings where they discussed the future of humanity.”
“These [scientific] meetings were not like a normal meeting that I had ever been to before. Because in these meetings, they decided that the people needed to evolve – and the people in the room were going to be the ones to evolve humanity. [The] technologies that they were talking about would be considered transhumanism,” she continues.
Madej adds: “We can actually do these things; people just weren’t told about them. There are certain segments of this population that believe they are the ones who should control us. They’re the ones who should push this agenda and so they’ve been having meetings, talking about how to do this without us – the little people – knowing.” (Related: Study: People with Machiavellian tendencies are in favor of transhumanism / mind uploading technology.)
According to Madej, there is also a spiritual element to this transhumanist push. “I was being recruited and I didn’t agree with this agenda because I believe in God our father, our Creator in heaven. The people in this room typically don’t. They don’t believe in God; they’re atheist or they believe that God can be created through this technology. This is the opposite of my belief,” Madej says.
She continues that the spiritual basis of transhumanism goes against her beliefs. Madej says: “I believe our bodies are made in the image of God. I don’t want to defile it. I don’t want to change who we are and what we are.”
Madej says that the entities behind the transhumanist agenda – such as the World Economic Forum and the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency – are also the ones pushing for worldwide vaccine mandates.
“They go hand-in-hand. You have to understand why this is being pushed on us so much. Well, step back a little and look at who’s making the money, who’s pushing the buttons. And then you’ll figure out really what the plan is. It’s to really change what it is to be human and their goal is 2030. That’s not very far from now,” says Madej.
Watch the full Oct. 14 episode of the “Thrive Time Show” at the video below. “Thrive Time Show” with Clay Clark airs from Monday to Friday at 3:30-4 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.