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The manic drive to establish digital ID for everyone is now focussed on state and local entities, with preference to start by enhancing driver’s licenses. The globalist legal firm behind this consortium has a 100 year track record of promoting global governance. ⁃ TN Editor
It’s all about control.
A coalition of private companies has released a “digital ID blueprint,” which urges individual states to adopt the policies necessary to establish a digital ID system.
“In December 2022, the Better Identity Coalition released a complementary set of policy recommendations for State government officials, entitled Better Identity in America: A Blueprint for State Policymakers,” according to its website.
“These recommendations are squarely focused on ways governments can improve the privacy and security of digital identity solutions.”
Better Identity Coalition, launched in 2018, is a cross-sector partnership of 27 companies developing policy initiatives to drive better solutions for identity verification and authentication.
The Better Identity Coalition’s founding members include industry leaders from the financial services, healthcare, technology, telecommunications, financial technology, payments and security whose goal is to establish a
Members include AT&T, CVS, Discover, Early Warning, Equifax, Experian, Facetec, Fidelity,, IDEMIA, JPMorgan Chase & Co., LexisNexis, MassMutual, Mastercard, Microsoft, Norton LifeLock, Notarize, Okta, OneSpan, Onfido, PNC Bank, Ping Identity, TransUnion, Uniken, US Bank, Wells Fargo, and Yubico.

The coalition released a new version of its “policy blueprint” on Wednesday, specifically targeted to the states legislators and outlining six key initiatives to “improve the security, privacy, convenience & inclusivity of digital identity solutions.”
The blueprint for State Policymakers highlights six key initiatives:
- Place the DMV at the Center of State Digital Identity Solutions.
- Establish attribute validation services at vital records bureaus to support next-generation, consumer-centric remote identity proofing and verification systems.
- Embrace identity innovation for better services.
- Make sure identity works for everybody.
- Promote and prioritize strong authentication.
- Do no harm.
Do no harm? Really? Stripping privacy, liberty and freedom away from citizens is, by definition, “doing harm.” ⁃ TN Editor