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A codon usage analysis shows that Chinese kraits and king cobra snakes share more genetic similarities with SARS-CoV-2 than any other animal, including bats. Were venom peptides engineered into the virus payload? And could venom peptides be used as part of the design of the mRNA for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines?
There was never any open dialogue or scientific investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 because the government health agencies conspired with Big Tech and the corporate media to shut down discussion from the start. In early 2020, former NIH Director Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci discussed a “published takedown” of any information on the lab origins of COVID-19 and convened to dispel any dissent. Any scientific investigation into laboratory origins was derided as “conspiracy theory” in some of the world’s most prestigious medical journals. Facebook, Twitter and the Silicon Valley tech giants followed suit with the conspiracy, blocking information on gain-of-function coronavirus research and covering up the intentions of such research, which include the development of lethal biological agents for the pre-production of profitable diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. The public was forced to accept the theory that bats naturally passed the virus onto humans, even though no virologist has isolated the virus from a natural animal reservoir (and still hasn’t, over two years later).
The dissenting narrative pointed out the fact that virologists were conducting coronavirus gain-of-function research in Wuhan, where the first outbreaks occurred. Much of the discussion about gain-of-function has centered around “a lab leak,” but failed to address the very real aspect that the causative agent behind respiratory and cardiovascular distress could be a bioweapon with multiple gain-of-function properties.
A computer simulation of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was produced early on in the COVID-19 scandal, but reference materials for an actual virus do not exist. The narratives surrounding the spike protein have misrepresented its codon and its potential to contain venomous/poisonous properties of a chemical or biological weapon (or multiple bioweapons). This is the same spike protein that was engineered and manipulated for mass transcription in human cells through vaccination. There is also genetic evidence that the causative agent was developed by vaccine makers years before the official plandemic began.
The causative agent for “COVID-19” was once referred to as “snake pneumonia”
Before lock downs were implemented, there were a number of articles discussing the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 contained properties from snakes, namely the krait and king cobra. Dr. Brian Ardis recently brought forth new research hypothesizing that snake venom was used in the development of a bioweapon. What if there was more to the story than just bats and lab leaks?
Snake venom is used throughout modern medicine and is being used to develop new drugs. Snake venom contains thrombin-like enzymes that exhibit coagulant (clotting) activities which CANNOT be undone by blood thinners like heparin. Imagine if this enzymatic property was used in a nefarious way and was built into the codon of a bioweapon…
According to the National Human Genome Research Institution, a codon “is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a gene and the corresponding protein sequence that it encodes.”
A codon usage analysis for SARS-CoV-2 found codon similarities between the causative agent (of COVID-19) and the many-branded Chinese krait snake (Bungarus multicinctus) as well as the Chinese king cobra (N. atra). There were more codon similarities for these two snakes than there were for any other animal in the study – including bats [3.3]. At one point, some media outlets referred to covid-19 as “snake pneumonia.”
Krait and king cobra specifically contain activators for blood coagulation
Worse yet, the branded krait and the king cobra contain activators for factor X blood coagulation properties [4.2.1]. Since the covid-19 vaccines are designed from similar RNA sequences from the original causative agent, then this may theoretically explain why vaccinated people are suffering from blood clotting, strokes, heart failure, and other cardiovascular effects. The mRNA from the vaccine does not replicate and then degrade, as was previously promised. These foreign, toxic spike proteins circulate to the organs and could be initiating blood clotting factors and envenomation.
This is serious information, because the public has been led to believe that SARS-CoV-2 could only have evolved from bat coronaviruses. We were told that the causative agent could never have been manipulated in a lab, could never contain venomous properties and would never have been released intentionally. But this codon usage analysis brings up the possibility that snake venom or snake genetic material is potentially being used in a nefarious way to harm human populations through biological weapons and so-called vaccines that are designed from the template of biological weapons.
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