Democrat CA Gov. Newsom – ‘We Need To Pass Constitutional Amendment’ Against Guns

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California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom responded to the tragic shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade in Missouri Wednesday by suggesting America add to its Constitution anti-gun measures already prohibited by the Founding Fathers’ historic document.

Newsom shared video of a press briefing by Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves telling reporters, “People who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment… This tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed officers.”

The governor shared her quote and added, “We cannot accept the status quo. We need to pass a Constitutional Amendment to prevent gun violence nationwide.”

California boasts the highest number of mass shootings of any state in the country, so Newsom’s own track record shows his state’s heavy gun restrictions are already failing.

Meanwhile, restaurants like Denny’s and In-N-Out are closing shop in cities like Oakland because they can’t even operate due skyrocketing crime.

It’s happening in San Francisco too – where Newsom used to be mayor – as nearly half of the retail stores in Union Square have recently left the area.

The comments on the governor’s social media post are flooded with people slamming him for wanting to remove guns from the hands of good citizens, slashing police budgets and allowing so many criminal illegal aliens into the state.

Out of the nearly six thousand comments, only a handful support Newsom’s message.

If Newsom and the Democratic Party had their way, guns would be heavily restricted nationwide as they are in Commiefornia and crime would get out of control across the country.

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