DNA Barcoding…

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If you go about your life just working, sleeping, watching TV, and “just existing” you are not seeing the things that are being done worldwide that could affect your life. There are so many so called “research programs” out there that are doing things that may appear as noble. When you dig into them, look at their capability, and follow the money you begin to see what bizarre manipulation these organizations are doing. One such organization is called “The International Barcode Of Life“. This organization has been in existence since 2008. They are in the business of “DNA catalogs“, which is essentially creating DNA references of everything. They are also known for DNA manipulation. They are funded by non other than the Rockerfellers. They have their hands in this “manufactured pandemic” we are having to live through. I don’t believe in messing with mother nature and I believe anyone who chooses to is inherently evil. I have told everyone that I know to please not let yourself be tested or vaxxed for this CONVID19. I believe that they are actually putting some kind of “marker” in a person when they are testing them.

Here is a short “our vision” video of this “International Barcode Of Life”. They try and sell themselves as doing so much good for the planet. We know about “snake oil salesmen” though, don’t we….

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