Do Not “Acquiesce”…

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Why do so many people “acquiesce” when it comes to control? Meaning why do they give in and accept something without questioning it, protesting, and ultimately fighting against it? I believe it’s because so many have been “conditioned” to always take the easy road. They have been trained since childhood to believe in “fantasy role models” such as superman, batman, spiderman, etc. They think that there is someone else that is going to “save the day”. They go as far as thinking that God will make everything right. I hate to drop a “truth bomb” on you, but no on is going to save anyone from anything except “the people“. If we could act as one in unison we could be unstoppable! ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS DISOBEY!

Here is a great video from David Icke talking in regards to Canada. What he says can be applied to the entire world. It’s about 30 minutes long. If that seems to be too long for your attention, then you can see why you and so many can be controlled. So many will watch hours of “predictive programming” through mainstream, but think that watching something like this is a waist of time.

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