As we go about our daily lives most people will pass so many other people and not even hardly look at the other person. They usually are staring at their phone. This is exactly what the communists want everyone to do. As long as you have your head buried in the “cyber world” you are not connecting on a personal level with other humans. We need to stop being so shy. I take every opportunity to speak to others about what we are battling right now. I find that many are uncomfortable about such topics. I do not let that stop me. If I can at least make them “think” about how all of this is effecting their life then I have accomplished what I set out to do. Next time you are standing in line at a checkout, start a conversation with a stranger about what America is battling and ask them what they are doing about it. If we start having more and more conversations about our freedom being taken, more people will think and hopefully act.
Here is a video from “Man In America” talking about the “small” things we all can do.