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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that large portions of data about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are not being published because the world might “misinterpret” them. And Dr. Robert Malone is warning that this amounts to fraud.
It has been almost two full years since the plandemic was first launched, and only a “tiny fraction” of the data collected by the CDC has been released for public consumption.
It was The New York Times, of all sources, that ran a big story on this, revealing that much of the withheld information could have been used by state and local officials to get the virus under control.
“The CDC is a political organization as much as it is a public health organization,” said Samuel Scarpino, the managing director of pathogen surveillance at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Pandemic Prevention Institute.
“The steps that it takes to get something like this released are often well outside of the control of many of the scientists that work at the CDC.”
Translated by Dr. Malone, what Scarpino is basically saying is that the CDC has been lying to the public about the Fauci Flu. (Related: Donald Trump also lied betrayed Americans by engaging in “vaccine” racketeering.)
“Basically, a non-governmental spokesperson for the ‘official’ public health scientific community is throwing Rochelle Walensky under the bus, and saying that the politicians forced us to commit scientific fraud by withholding key data,” Dr. Malone writes.

“The Global Summit Doctors and other brave medical practitioners who have stood up to the lies and tyranny – who have been harassed, jobs lost, medical licenses lost, smeared and libeled are right. The data are being withheld.”
How many lives have been lost because of the CDC’s lies?
The Global Summit Doctors, by the way, have been sounding the alarm about all this for quite some time, only to be labeled as “conspiracy theorists” by the establishment.
It turns out that these folks were righter than right, and chances are there are still many more revelations to come that will fully deconstruct the myth that the CDC, or any other government agency for that matter, is working in the best interests of the general public.
“The CDC is using cumulative data from the beginning of the vaccine roll-out in early 2021 to prop up the lie that these vaccines are effective against Omicron,” Dr. Malone explains. “The CDC is clearly hiding the data about safety.”
Dr. Malone says that if the CDC had released proper, age-stratified data for covid, it would be clear as day that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed injections are “not necessary” for most Americans.
“If the vaccine risk ratio of those vaccinated and hospitalized were published for Omicron – it would be clear that the vaccine benefit is not observed,” he adds.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is also complicit, as it still has not revealed what the efficacy rate is for “booster” shots in children. This is in spite of the fact that the FDA promised to do this.
“They have not released the safety data,” Dr. Malone says. “They have withheld the safety data on the vaccines for children and adults. This must stop. We are deep into outright Scientific Fraud territory.”
Ben Armstrong from The New American released a video where he offers his own take on the situation as well.
“We have been manipulated from the VERY start of this pandemic,” Dr. Malone further adds. “The government has been deciding what has been written, removed, censored by media and the big tech giants. This is propaganda.”
The latest plandemic news can be found at
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