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Drs. Simone Gold and Angelina Farella of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) warned parents about the dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine for children. The two physicians issued the warning during an interview with Heather Hobbs of The New American.
“I know that many of our viewers are parents and grandparents themselves. I personally am a mother of four and I’ve been extremely concerned about the push to get these vaccines and younger and younger children,” Hobbs said.
She mentioned how Canada is extending its COVID-19 vaccination drive to younger children, with proof of vaccination in QR code form being extended to five- to 12-year-olds and babies from six months to four years old being recruited to vaccine clinical trials.
“It was almost in a threatening tone, [and it’s] very concerning for me because a lot of people don’t seem to realize that this is happening all over the world. It can happen in America if we don’t have really good doctors who are willing to stand up. Corporations and politicians should not be doing the doctors’ job and recommending things.”
Gold said: “It’s very clear to us at AFLDS that this is essentially communism, where the state takes over for the parents. No sooner were the shots authorized to be given to 12- to 15-year-olds that multiple jurisdictions allowed a child aged 12 to 15 to consent on their own without the parents’ knowledge.”
“Who allows the presence of a child in school to be called implied consent [and] that the child consents to the shots? We don’t want that here. Here in America, the parents are in charge – not the state. That’s the fight we are in.”
Farella shared her battle cry, which has been her advocacy years before COVID-19 entered the scene. “The battle cry is: Schools are not medical homes, nor are large corporations like pharmacies. They are not medical homes, they should not be allowed to give medical treatments – including vaccines – in a pharmacy without a physician,” she said.
There is an agenda behind the push for children’s vaccination
Farella, a pediatrician with 25 years of experience, shared three points as to why giving the COVID-19 vaccine to children was wrong.
First, children have an almost zero chance of dying from COVID-19.
“This is a disease process that does not even affect children. [They] basically have a nil chance of dying, and so you don’t vaccinate for [a] disease that doesn’t affect them.”
Second, there is insufficient safety data to justify the vaccine’s use on children.
“We don’t even have one year of safety data. As a pediatrician, I know that we never put anything into a child without three to five years of safety data. We know that the early studies are showing huge increases of myocarditis – which by the way is not mild. It’s a lifelong condition that can potentially shorten their lives.” (Related: Cardiologist says no case of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis is mild.)
Third, parents allowing their children to get vaccinated against COVID is tantamount to brainwashing.
“The parents are just leaving their children to slaughter. They’re not even thinking about it, they don’t understand that this is not approved [by the Food and Drug Administration.] They are using tactics of propaganda to actually trick parents into thinking ‘This is something that’s okay for them to have without proper informed consent.’”
Hobbs said: “I think that the hidden blessing and all of this is that people are starting to see this is not right. This is now how medicine is practiced, and this is not giving people – especially in America – their freedom to choose.”
“There’s something else going on that has nothing to do with health, so we’re pushing back hard. AFLDS really got so offended at the push to put our children forward to the slaughter, that we brought our first lawsuit on behalf of [them]. We filed a federal lawsuit in Alabama to say you shouldn’t be giving shots to 12- to 15-year-olds without all these years of safety studies,” Gold said.
AFLDS filed its suit in the Northern District Court of Alabama in July 2021. It sought an injunction to stop “any further use of the investigational COVID vaccines” for three groups – including young Americans 18 years old and below. (Related: America’s Frontline Doctors sue HHS to revoke emergency use authorization for covid vaccines.)
“Human children are not experiments. Children are at statistically zero percent risk of deaths from COVID-19. By contrast – expert studies show that the number killed by the vaccines is well into the tens of thousands, and those injured is well into the hundreds of thousands,” according to a press release on the group’s website.
Dr. Teryn Clarke, AFLDS communications director, said in the statement: “Children are one third of our population and all of our future. [They] are never the experiment.”
Watch the full interview with Drs. Angelina Farella and Simone Gold below.