Ex-Google CEO Is Creating ‘Powerful’ AI ‘Robotic War’ Machines

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv”

Former Google CEO-turned ‘licensed arms dealer’ Eric Schmidt is creating ‘powerful’ AI ‘robotic war’ machines for ‘offensive’ fighting.

Schmidt was recently talking to a group of Stanford University students about his military drone company called White Stork.

He said the two goals of the company were to “use Ai in complicated, powerful ways for these, essentially robotic war” and to manufacture said robots cheaply.

Infowars reports: Schmidt nervously rubbed his arm as he said, “Because of the way the system works, I’m now a licensed arms dealer. So, a computer scientist, businessman, arms dealer.”

Trying to justify his move into physical warfare, the former Google head told the students, “Now you sit there and you go, why would a good liberal like me do that? And the answer is that the whole theory of armies is tanks, artilleries, and mortar and we can eliminate all of them and we can make the penalty for invading a country at least by land essentially be impossible.
It should eliminate the kind of land battles.”

A moderator asked Schmidt, “Does it give more of an advantage to defense versus offense? Can you even make that distinction?”

He replied, “Because I’ve been doing this for the last year, I’ve learned a lot about war that I really did not want to know. And one of the things to know about war is that the offense always has the advantage because you can always overwhelm the defensive systems. And so you’re better off as a strategy of national defense to have a very strong offense that you can use if you need to. And the systems that I and others are building will do that.”

Lastly, Schmidt explained he’s creating the AI weaponry using a private company “because of the way the laws work” and that he’s doing so “with the help of the support of the government.”

“So, it goes straight into Ukraine and then they fight the war,” he stated.

This move for Schmidt is not actually that surprising as Google itself has deep ties to the Pentagon and CIA.

Essentially, the globalists are using Ukraine as a proxy to test out new “Skynet”-style technology for future wars.

The Stanford speech was removed from the university’s YouTube channel after Schmidt received backlash for criticizing people who work from home instead of in-person.

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