There is no such thing as “hate speech” regardless of what the ADL says.
Hip hop artist Anomaly joins Stew to break down how Ron Desantis is doing the bidding of the freedom of speech hating Anti Defamation League.
This Florida law aims to silence any criticism of those in powerful positions.
Big GOP donors are co opting our leaders and as a result they are abandoning the first amendment.
Hate crime laws are discriminatory and force the government to assume a perpetrator’s state of mind while committing a crime.
Thinking about what the government deems as bad while committing a crime brings a harsher sentence and that paves the way for “thought crimes”.
Israel does not allow their politicians to hold dual citizenships while serving the people but it is perfectly legal in America.
Dual citizenship while serving as a member of Congress should be illegal.
The right wing media complex has successfully brainwashed the masses to believe giving up their first amendment right on behalf of Israel is a good thing.
Americans must hold politicians accountable and not worship them as “gods”.