Everything about Hunter Biden’s life is one lie after another.
Former CIA analyst John Kiriakou joins Stew Peters to talk about the Biden criminal enterprise.
In 2019, the Deep State spun up an entire sham impeachment of President Trump, because he called up Zelensky in Ukraine and asked “hey, what’s the deal with Hunter Biden? Was he taking money from your oligarchs?”
Then, in 2020, we had to endure another wave of lies, as the press colluded to suppress all discussion of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the rampant degeneracy and criminal activity it revealed.
In 2021, we suddenly had the plot twist that Hunter Biden was a “painter,” and his amateur paintings were so incredible that the world was clamoring for an auction of his best works.
We all had to watch as this painting auction happened and raised more than a million dollars.
We had to listen as the press made the claim there was no way the Bidens would know who bought the paintings, so it was all aboveboard, and definitely not corrupt.
All of these are lies, and as time passes they all get exposed.
The American people are being denied real accountability.
However, because the system requires politicians who come to Washington to enrich themselves and their families, accountability will likely never come.
If you are a Washington insider or related to an insider you can do whatever you want without fear of prosecution.
The only way this system is going to change is if the politicians fear the people.
This can happen if they believe they will lose their political power.
Things may have to get much worse in America before they get better.
Warmonger Victoria Nuland has been selected to become the next Deputy Secretary of State.
This is unconscionable because she is responsible for American foreign policy that has been a total failure.
America’s neocon foreign policy has been a disaster, especially since September 11, 2001.
There were no weapons of mass destruction but there were Israelis dancing in the streets after the attack because it meant the U.S. was going to war in the Middle East.
“Spreading democracy” in the Middle East was an excuse to launder money through NGOs and make a lot of people very wealthy.
John Kiriakou believes that in the long run the CIA is actively involved in carrying out missions against the American people.
Much of what the CIA does is antithetical to the interests of the American people.
Over the last 10-20 years, the CIA has enlisted other “Five Eye” countries to spy on American citizens.
This is one of the reasons why members of Congress are terrified of the CIA.
It’s time for the American people to wake up and hold the government accountable for it’s crimes.