Here We Go Again: Hollywood Actress Jamie Lee Curtis Tells Public to Mask Up

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Right on cue, Hollywood elitist condescendingly instructs social media followers to put the slave mask back on.

Alex Jones was right.

A-list actress Jamie Lee Curtis urged her Instagram followers to “be mindful” and “wear a mask” this week, just days after Infowars host Alex Jones warned new Covid lockdowns are around the corner.

In a post Tuesday, the Halloween star claimed, “Covid is on the rise,” and demanded people wear face masks because many of her friends “are really sick.”

“And we’re BAAAAACCCCKKKK. No, not Michael Myers but masking will be,” Curtis captioned a black and white selfie in which she wore a loose-fitting face mask emblazoned with an image of fictional horror villain Michael Myers.

“COVID is on the rise. SO MANY friends now are really sick. BE MINDFUL. WEAR A MASK if required or even if you feel unwell and are out in public spaces.”

Many on social media noted the fact the masks didn’t work the first time around, in addition to voicing their refusal to re-don the slave masks.

Curtis’ post advertising the mask synonymous with Covid tyranny comes just days after Infowars radio host Alex Jones warned his audience to prepare for a potential new wave of lockdowns as federal officials plan to initially roll out mask mandates to TSA agents before an eventual nationwide push.

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