In NYC, the unvaccinated are condemned and segregated as the new sub-human class … in a society now rooted in medical discrimination and hateful bigotry

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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new plan to permanently discriminate and segregate the unvaccinated from society, and Joe Biden supports it. De Blasio the tyrant said the unvaccinated have no right to have a job, to eat at a counter, to ride on a bus or enter a building. He is seeking to punish people for their private medical choices by excluding them from restaurants, workplaces, gymnasiums, entertainment and events. The discriminatory plan will be phased in over several weeks in August and September.

This is one of the most egregious violations of human rights in American history, even worse than racial segregation, and tantamount to slavery. This level of segregation makes Jim Crow laws seem mild in comparison. In NYC, the unvaccinated are literally being condemned as a new sub-class of humans — in a society now rooted in medical discrimination, hatred and bigotry.

“If you’re vaccinated, you’ll have the key, you can open the door,” said de Blasio, in one of the most repugnant speeches ever given. “But if you’re un-vaccinated, unfortunately, you won’t be able to participate in most things. That’s the point we’re trying to get across. It’s time people see vaccination as literally necessary to living a good, and full, and healthy life.”

He dictated further, “It will require vaccination for workers and customers in indoor dining, in indoor fitness facilities, and indoor entertainment facilities. The ONLY way to patronize these establishments indoors will be if they’re vaccinated, at least one dose. The same in terms of work.” This is the same stooge that promoted “free vax, a burger, and a side of fries” just months ago, as he offered junk food incentives to New Yorkers.

NYC is entering its darkest time in history, as segregation is used to punish people

New York City is under siege by foreign and domestic enemies who have conspired to deprive individuals of their basic civil liberties. The new plan of enslavement and segregation will be pushed out into the private sector, where businesses will be coerced, pressured and forced to participate in widespread breaches of medical privacy. Anyone who cannot furnish physical or digital proof of covid-19 vaccination will be excluded from entering businesses and workplaces. As de Blasio said, showing proof of vaccination is “the only way to patronize these establishments indoors.”

Natural immunity is being discriminated against just like natural melanin (dark skin color) is discriminated against. Anyone who has durable and comprehensive immunity to coronaviruses is condemned, socially ostracized, and forced off the bus and out of the building. (They don’t even get to sit in the back of the bus.) Meanwhile, individuals are trained to “show their papers” everywhere they go to prove they are not filthy undesirables “who have no place in society.” De Blasio is giving people two choices – become a slave to the pharmaceutical state and submit to all the injections they demand or face severe punishment, segregation and discrimination long into the future. NYC is entering its darkest time in history.

Boston mayor speaks out against the discrimination and segregation of vaccine passports

Boston Mayor Kim Janey spoke out against de Blasio’s vaccine passport and segregation system. As the first Black woman to serve as mayor of Boston, Kim Janey understands the real-life effects of discrimination and segregation. While she encourages people to get vaccinated, she does not support a vaccine passport system because it revitalizes the evilest, most disturbing human rights abuses carried out through human history. She compared vaccine mandates to the requirements imposed during slavery and the Jim Crow era. “There’s a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers,” said Janey – from the slavery of African Americans to abuses against immigrants. The social ostracizing and segregation of the unvaccinated from society is reminiscent of the exclusion, intimidation and targeting that occurred against the Jews in Nazi Germany. When one class of people are targeted and condemned as undesirable, what else might the state and the greater society do to physically harm these innocents?

After speaking out, Mayor Janey was quickly attacked by City Councilor Michelle Wu, who said it was necessary to “build trust in vaccines” by segregating the unvaccinated from society. “Anyone in a position of leadership should be using that position to build trust in vaccines,” Wu said.

City Council President Pro Tempore Matt O’Malley and City Councilor Andrea Campbell  said the force and segregation of vaccine passports are necessary for “addressing vaccine hesitancy.”

When Biden was pressed about the issue at a White House press conference, he also supported the antiquated ideas of segregation and enslavement. “I think they [state and local governments] just need to give the authority to the restaurants and businesses to say ‘in order for you to come in, you have to give proof that you’ve been vaccinated or you can’t come in.’”

The segregation of the unvaccinated is quickly becoming one of the most disturbing abuses of federal, state and corporate power in American history. The federal, state and local governments should be protecting the God-given rights of individuals, instead of unraveling the social fabric of society and conspiring against people’s basic civil liberties. For the sake of liberty, medical ethics and equal treatment, the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike must join together to defeat vaccine passports and the “show me your papers” hellscape that is being forced onto the people.
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