JOE BIDEN FLASHBACK: “I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign…”

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I want to take everyone on a quick flashback….

Back to 2020….

Back before this whole Biden Regime nightmare started and he was just the “Resident-Elect” speaking with CNN about how he and Kamala get along.

Because if you remember at the time, they had just faced off in a nasty primary debate where she said horrible (but true) things about him.

Then suddenly she’s the VP and they have to work together.

So CNN was asking Joe Biden about what happens if they disagree and he told the most fascinating little story about what happened when he and Obama disagreed.

Joe says, and I quote that if he and Barack got into a huge disagreement he would just “develop some kind of disease and say he has to resign”.

Watch here:

Backup here:

So….is that what’s about to happen?

Will that be how he frames the announcement when he steps down?

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