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Although it has been reported on by Igor Chudov a few days ago, I would like to add a bit more beef to this uncorroborated (so far) information, as it is the news no one wants to believe, but it deserves further investigation for the reasons outlined below.

(Article by Andreas Oehler republished from

The original Moderna insider tip from Dec. 2020, from two anonymous engineers working there, goes like this:

I'm an industrial engineer at Moderna and the other one of us is a process development engineer. I'm sure the same thing is happening with Pfizer-BioNTech. It was hard to put things together based on the small quantities of additions happening in manual step (highly unorthodox for a continuous process production). The explanation we got was highly sensitive trade secret adjuvants being added. Digging in deeper showed how sensitive it actually was.
Most people's understanding of this novel vaccine type is that it works as follows:

  1. Make mRNA coding for S protein
  2. Make lipid nanoparticle delivery system
  3. Profit

How it actually works from what we've uncovered:

  1. Make mRNA coding for S protein
  2. Make mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts
  3. Make sure that while delivery system for (1) mostly ends up in liver, most of (2) ends up in the gonads
  4. Make sure form and quantity of additive upregulating LINE-1 reverse transcription activity makes it hard to detect among legit adjuvants
  5. Effects from (2) integrated by (4) are recessive; mildly oncogenic effects in vaccine recipients unlikely to be noticed for many years
  6. (5) recessive but since most of population vaccinated, in next generation female offspring have premature ovarian failure

The beef of this tip is that, in addition to the mRNA code for S spike, the vaccine vials will contain additional mRNA that codes both for a mutant version of CYP19A1 and a mutant version of CDKN1B. Both these mutant proteins are implicated in the female infertility issues. From the advantage of hindsight in March 2022, this information is credible for the following reasons:

  • The pharmacokinetics information of the LNPs in mRNA vaccines has been spilled by the Japanese only in May 2021. As it turned out, the LNPs with the mRNA in them do not stay at the injection site, as CDC and other agencies postulated. Instead, they accumulate in the liver and the gonads of the vaccinees in high concentrations. Surprise! So, the tipsters have been confirmed correct in this regard.
  • The studies regarding LINE-1 enzymes being able to reverse transcribe the vaccine mRNA back into human DNA appeared much later as well:(1) “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues” ( Jaenisch et al., 2021.05.21)(2) “Coronavirus gene findings are no cause for alarm, says leading scientist“ (ABS-CBN, 2021.01.30):”The discovery by Professor Rudolf Jaenisch and researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stirs up a hornet’s nest because mRNA vaccines, including those made by Pfizer/ BioNTech and Moderna, operate in similar ways to the virus to trigger an immune response.”(3) “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line” (Aldén et al., 2022.02.25).(4) “Moderna finally cracks into gene editing with Metagenomi pact thanks to ‘irresistible’ data“ (Fierce Biotech, 2021.11.02):”We finally know who Moderna has been courting behind the scenes to make the big jump into gene editing. The famed biotech has signed a research partnership with CRISPR gene editing company Metagenomi. Metagenomi will offer up access to its gene editing tools. The company recently unveiled data on its CRISPR-associated transposases system that can be used to precisely integrate large DNA fragments into genomes, allowing for new editing techniques beyond the currently available technology. ”(5) “Metagenomi Presents New Findings on CRISPR-associated Transposases (CAST) that Allow for Targetable Genomic Integration of Large DNA Fragments“ (, 2021.05.14): “Our research presented at ASGCT describes how our first-in-class programmable CAST gene editing system can be used to precisely integrate large fragments of DNA into target genomes and the potential of these systems in the development of both ex vivo and in vivo gene therapies. CRISPR-associated transposases can be reprogrammed to integrate at specific genomic sites using guide RNAs.” Target genomes, eh? Transhumans, anyone? A.k.a. mutants?Another solid confirmation that the tipsters knew what they were talking about way before this information went public.
  • As the reader Jeff C pointed out (and I quote verbatim from here on), the tipsters not only said that LINE-1 could facilitate reverse transcription but that the vaxx has a hidden additive that specifically upregulates LINE-1 (point #4). The Aldén et al. paper using the BioNTech vaxx clearly showed a high presence of LINE-1 when the vaxx was added that was not there in the control. So something about the vaxx significantly increases LINE-1 just like the tipster said. The fact that the tipster knew this before any of this was publicly known is pretty impressive. If you look back at the Covid virus reverse transcription study (Jaenisch et al – looked at Covid itself, not the vaxx) they artificially increased LINE-1 in the cells via transfection [“To increase the likelihood of detecting rare integration events, we transfected HEK293T cells with LINE1 expression plasmids prior to infection with SARS-CoV-2“]. That was a key criticism of the study in that it wasn’t a real world case. This is in stark contrast to the vaxx study where LINE-1 increased solely due to the vaxx itself. Wasn’t that the role of one of the “highly sensitive trade secret adjuvants being added“, as hinted by the tipster?
  • In Oct. 2021, a former Pfizer quality control manager and a whistleblower, Melissa Strickler, spilled beans on the unusual manufacturing process at the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine plant in a series of interviews. Pfizer’s processes for its “vaccine” are strangely deviating from usual norms. The compounding room has no idea what are the components they are mixing into the “product”. This secrecy about what goes into the vials is unprecedented. Furthermore, the vaccine manufacturers are not controlled by any independent bodies as to the quality control, the vials being shipped directly to the vaccine administration locations. This lends credence to the assertion that the mRNA vaccines may contain undisclosed constituents.
  • The leak of EMA-Pfizer correspondence in Nov.-Dec. 2020, when EMA was working on Pfizer’s vaccine authorization, revealed that EMA was concerned that the mRNA in the vaccine vials contains only 55% of the intended S spike code, the rest being “truncated species” blamed on the faults in the manufacturing process. Pfizer placated these concerns by pushing the S spike code proportion up to 75%, at least for the time being. After that, EMA stopped looking and declared the jabs kosher. More on this in my post “Zeroing in on Gifts from “Science” to Humanity“ from Nov. 2021. So, another score for the tipsters – the jabs do contain some exogenous mRNA code that no one analyses or scrutinizes.
  • If that is not enough, BigPharma, in collaboration with WHO and NIH, has a long tradition of adding undisclosed ingredients harming female fertility into the vaccines going all the way back to 1970s:2017: “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World“. “Baby-Killing Vaccine: Is It Being Stealth Tested?“: “During the early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been overseeing massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in a number of countries, among them Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. In October 1994, Human Life International (HLI) received a communication from its Mexican affiliate, the Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, regarding that country’s anti-tetanus campaign. Suspicious of the campaign protocols, the Comite obtained several vials of the vaccine and had them analyzed by chemists. Some of the vials were found to contain human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), a naturally occurring hormone essential for maintaining a pregnancy. Here are the known facts concerning the tetanus vaccination campaigns in Mexico and the Philippines:
    – Only women are vaccinated, and only the women between the ages of 15 and 45. (In Nicaragua the age range was 12-49).
    – Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone has been found in the vaccines.
    – The vaccination protocols call for multiple injections-three within three months and a total of five altogether. But, since tetanus vaccinations provide protection for ten years or more, why are multiple inoculations called for?
    Allied with the WHO in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine (AFV) using hCG with tetanus and other carriers have been UNFPA, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and a number of universities, including Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State.[5] The U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (part of NIH) was the supplier of the hCG hormone in some of the AFV experiments.
    Again, a corroboration of the thrust of the allegations by the Moderna insiders.
  • The strange, irrational drive to vacinate every last person on Earth, especially chidren and pregrant women, with the untested and clearly dangerous injections is another huge red flag as to the true goals of the Covid-19 vaccination of the world population. Especially that the population control has been a holy grail for the eugenicist cabal since the 19th century, and in the form of vaccines, no less. Read my post “Going for Jugular Take 2 – All Ducks in Row“ (Dec. 2021) for complete, more or less, disclosure.
  • The new plant-based Canada-made non-mRNA vaccine still contains LNP material, for some inexplicable reason. Or should we suspect that it will also contain fertility-harming mRNA?

So, lots of indirect evidence that the Moderna insiders are trustworthy and that their whistle blowing deserves all the attention it can garner. In the form of vial analysis and vaccinee testing, for starters.

In the meantime, this post should serve as a fair warning and one of the elements on which to base your informed decision as to whether to accept any vaccine in 2022 and going onward. Or any injection, for that matter, from your caring health authorities and governments.

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