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A major lawsuit filed by an organization comprised of a number of former Trump administration officials has managed to turn up shocking bombshell revelations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was yet another government agency that worked behind Americans’ back with social media giants to censor facts and information about COVID-19 that ran afoul of the ‘official narratives.’
America First Legal noted in a press release that the fourth set of documents the legal organization released that were “obtained from litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)” revealed “further concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech and silence the public square under the government’s label of ‘misinformation.’”
The press release provided more stunning details of what the legal organization has turned up this far:
This nearly 600-page release of documents contains new appalling information. Among these include the fact that Twitter ran a “Partner Support Portal” for government employees and other “stakeholders” to submit posts that it would remove or flag as “misinformation” on its platform. Documents obtained by AFL show Twitter enrolling one government employee, through their personal Twitter account, into this Portal. We know from other publicly related documents, that Facebook has copied this approach for election-related censorship.
This production also reveals that the U.S. government was actively working to “socially inoculate”–or brainwashing–the public against anything that threatened its narrative. It did so by using aligned Big Tech corporations to monitor and manipulate users for the purposes of censoring unapproved information and pushing government propaganda. For example, Facebook sent written materials to the CDC in which it bragged about censoring more than sixteen million “pieces of content” containing opinions or information the U.S. government wanted suppressed.
In addition, AFL noted, the documents indicate that the CDC was “collaborating with UNICEF, WHO and IFCN member and leading civil society organization Mafindo” to mitigate “disinformation.” AFL explained further that Mafindo is a Facebook third-party fact-checking partner based in Indonesia which is funded by Google (no surprise).
“What is clear is that the United States government, Big Tech platforms, and international organizations were fully entangled in an intricate campaign to violate the First Amendment, to silence the American people, and to censor dissenting views,” the organization noted in a statement.
The organization noted that its first release of documents “revealed the explicit collusion between the CDC and Big Tech to censor what the Biden Administration deemed ‘misinformation’ and push covert COVID-19 propaganda.” The second batch provided additional information showing that the CDC sent demands to platforms like Twitter and Facebook to remove specific posts or censor them by throttling their reach or by flagging them as ‘disinfo.’
“AFL’s third release revealed that the CDC’s mask guidance policies for school children were driven by political polling by liberal dark money group The Kaiser Family Foundation rather than science,” the legal group said.
Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel, said of the findings: “In recent months, millions of Americans have witnessed the peeling of the ‘misinformation’ onion. Beneath each layer of shocking details about a partnership between the federal government and Big Tech is yet another layer of connections, conspiracy, and collaboration between power centers that seek to suppress information from the American people. We are proud to play a leading role in fighting for the rights of all Americans and revealing this vital information to the American people.”
One of the best things to happen to social media transparency was for billionaire Elon Musk to purchase Twitter. Now, if only a conglomerate of wealthy individuals similarly interested in transparency would buy Facebook, perhaps Americans could be told the truth about issues again, especially those as important and potentially life-changing as a viral pandemic.
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