Kevin McCarthy has confirmed Stew’s prediction that he is a RINO who would sell out the American people.
Congressman Andy Biggs joins Stew Peters to talk about how Kevin McCarthy failed on the debt ceiling deal.
In order to hold Kevin McCarthy accountable the motion to vacate the chair must be filed.
If the motion to vacate the chair is made Democrats will likely back McCarthy because they realize he is the best they can get.
There may be a new coalition consisting of 150 Republicans and 175 Democrats.
McCarthy is about to give the American people the worst kind of governance you can have over the next two years.
The uniparty is real and McCarthy is their leader.
The U.S. government is the most corrupt organization in the world.
The GOP has sold out the American people and are refusing to follow the Republican platform.
They are habitual liars.
K Street lobbyists do not care which party is in power as long as they can be bought.
Big Pharma is the number one lobbying entity in Washington D.C.
Covid-19 vaccine injury is a perfect example of the weaponization of government.
Congress has no police power and relies on the Executive branch to enforce laws.
The Executive branch is refusing to hold Covid criminals accountable.
McCarthy gave up all of the GOP’s leverage and could have fought for several policy issues to get a better deal.
The idea that America was going to default on the debt was not real and is a lie.
The only way to turn this around is for States to refuse to be held hostage by the federal government.
The disaster debt deal means inflation will continue and a recession is imminent.
It also means very little will get done between now and the next election.