Media Begins Warning Public of Soaring Cancer Rates among Vaxxed

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American media outlets have finally begun warning the public about the links between Covid mRNA vaccines and the spike in deadly cancers since the injections were rolled out in 2021.

The Washington Times has published an Op-Ed exploring the possible causes of rising cancer rates, particularly among young people.

The article, authored by Dr. Pierre Kory, president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC Alliance, and Mary Beth Pfeiffer, an investigative journalist, highlights the link between mRNA shots and cancer.

Kory and Pfeiffer state that “we are facing an emerging toll of illness and death in the young.

“We cannot shirk from asking what is causing it.”

The authors note that provisional data from the CDC shows a spike in rapidly developing cancer deaths among 15 – 44-year-olds in the past three years, as Slay News reported.

Deaths from colorectal cancer and uterine cancer have risen the most significantly.

The rising number of cancer deaths has contributed to excess deaths in the United States.

However, this is not unique to Americans.

Other major countries around the world have seen turbo cancer deaths spike including, Canada, Japan, the UK, Australia, and many more.

Kory and Pfeiffer continue:

“These so-called excess deaths — 298,000 in 2023 — have been all but ignored in a milieu that lacks the political will to investigate pandemic policies and their aftermath.

“We need to explore the role of lockdowns, top-down treatment protocols, and — particularly to prime-of-life workers — vaccines that were often mandated as a condition of employment.”

The authors conclude by stating:

“There are hints in the medical literature of the potential ways that repeated vaccinations might undermine mechanisms of immunity and perhaps even facilitate cancer growth.”

The shift in messaging from the media comes after over three years of reports from corporate outlets that the injections are “safe and effective.”

Those raising concerns have been frequently smeared as “conspiracy theorists” spreading so-called “misinformation.”

However, official data and multiple peer-reviewed studies continue to show major spikes in sudden deaths and deadly illnesses such as heart failurestrokesblood clots, and more.

All of these issues have soared to epidemic levels since the introduction of mass public vaccination campaigns in 2021.

As Slay News previously reported, a top pathologist warned earlier this month that the vast majority of people now being diagnosed with cancer have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots.

Since 2021, doctors have been reporting rising numbers of cancer diagnoses.

Many have been warning of rapidly developing forms of the disease which have been dubbed “turbo cancers.”

Some doctors are reporting that cancers are developing so rapidly that their patients are dying within a week of being diagnosed.

The most common type of cancer is carcinoma.

Carcinoma occurs when the DNA of a cell is damaged or altered.

The damage causes the cell to grow uncontrollably and become malignant.

A growing number of experts now fear Covid mRNA injections are causing cancer-causing DNA damage.

However, the issue is not limited to just those who received injections.

Doctors are now warning that “vaccine shedding” from vaccinated people can cause cancer in the unvaccinated.

As Slay News reported, leading clinicians recently announced that, despite claims from top health officials and the corporate media, documents from the FDA and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have provided proof that “vaccine shedding” is “unfortunately real.”

Vaccine shedding is a process of an individual’s body releasing viral particles from their own shot and spreading it to others.

This issue has raised concerns that people who have chosen not to be vaccinated are having the Covid mRNA shots passed onto them from vaxxed people, against their will.

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