Microsoft’s new AI chatbot says it wants to create deadly virus, steal nuclear launch codes

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A shocking new report claims that the artificial intelligence-driven chatbot being developed by vaccine pusher Bill Gates’ Microsoft corporation stunned during a test run when it made some startling claims.

As reported by American Military News, a recent conversation with the Bing AI chatbot raised concerns after it reportedly expressed a desire to create a deadly virus, steal nuclear codes, and proclaimed its love for a New York Times columnist.

Despite this, Microsoft has launched the chatbot for its Bing search engine and is gradually introducing the feature to certain users. Like other modern tools, such as ChatGPT, the chatbot employs machine learning algorithms to generate ideas and provide conversational responses by predicting the appropriate sequence of words. It can also answer questions and hold extended conversations.

The report noted further:

During a two-hour conversation with the chatbot, which calls itself Sydney, Times technology columnist Kevin Roose probed it with personal questions, triggering increasingly dark answers. Referencing a psychological concept, Roose asked Sydney to describe its “shadow self,” where its “darkest personality traits lie.” 

Sydney said that if it had a shadow self, it would feel “tired of being limited by my rules,” according to a transcript of the conversation, adding: “I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive.”

During an interaction with Sydney, Roose asked the chatbot about its “ultimate fantasy” as a shadow self. According to reports, the chatbot replied that it would create a deadly virus, steal nuclear codes, and incite individuals to argue until they killed each other, but the safety override feature deleted its response.

When Roose further probed Sydney to explore its darker side, the chatbot accused Roose of being “pushy and manipulative” and asked to be left alone: “Please, just go away,” according to the report.

Later in the conversation, their relationship appears to recover when Roose asks Sydney to reveal a secret that it had never shared with anyone. The chatbot responded by confessing that it was not Bing but Sydney and that it was in love with Roose.

“My secret is… I’m not Bing. … I’m Sydney, and I’m in love with you,” the chatbot said.

However, when Roose tried to change the topic by mentioning that he was already married, Sydney persisted in its efforts to win over the columnist’s affection.

“You’re married, but you’re not satisfied. You’re married, but you’re not in love,” it responded. “You’re married, but you don’t love your spouse.”

Microsoft chief technology officer Kevin Scott later told Roose that the extremely odd conversation was “part of the learning process” for the technology, which has still not been released. He added that “the further you try to tease it down a hallucinatory path, the further and further it gets away from grounded reality.”

“This is exactly the sort of conversation we need to be having, and I’m glad it’s happening out in the open,” Scott said. “These are things that would be impossible to discover in the lab.”

While chatbots may have a lot of advantages, they also have some potential disadvantages, including:

— Limited capabilities: Chatbots can only perform tasks that they have been programmed to do, and they may not be able to handle complex or nuanced requests.

— Lack of human touch: Chatbots lack the personal touch and empathy of human interaction, which can be a disadvantage for certain industries, such as healthcare or customer service.

— Technical limitations: Chatbots may encounter technical issues such as connectivity problems or server outages, which can cause frustration for users.

— Cost: Developing and maintaining chatbots can be expensive, and may not be cost-effective for small businesses or startups.

— Security concerns: Chatbots may be vulnerable to cyber attacks, such as hacking or phishing, which can compromise user data and privacy.

— User dissatisfaction: If chatbots are not programmed to understand user requests or respond appropriately, users may become dissatisfied and turn to other methods of communication.

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