Mexican Illegal Alien Breaches Laughlin Air Force Base In Texas, While Chinese Illegals Crossing The U.S. Border Break Another Record’
We have noted countless denials from Democrats and the media (I know, I repeat myself), first claiming that illegal aliens, those that cross the border in places not designated as legal entry points, are not allowed to vote in U.S. elections, and then after Maryland jurisdictions, and DC passed laws to allow illegals to vote in local elections, the denial changed from “illegals can’t vote in elections,” to “Illegals can’t vote in federal elections.”
Recently the U.S. House of Representatives voted to repeal the DC law allowing illegals to vote, and 143 Democrats voted against the measure, which puts paid to their assertions for years that no one was trying to allow illegals to vote (then they changed it to vote in federal elections.)
The House passed H.R. 192 today in a 262-143 vote, with 210 Republicans and 52 Democrats voting to repeal the law in DC that allows illegal aliens to vote in elections. The bill will likely be dead on arrival in the Senate.
We have previously reported on the fact that extra House seats are allotted to states that have large illegal immigrant populations. President Trump, while in office, tried to have illegal aliens omitted from the census, but Biden ended that policy the very day he took office.
Now illegals are allowed to be represented in the House of Representatives, and they can vote in some states’ local elections.
Next step will be for Democrats to attempt to allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections, which is why Joe Biden has refused to close the border, and encouraged a “surge” at the border during a presidential debate with Trump during the 2016 election cycle.
Because illegal immigration has become a top issue for voters, we fully expect Biden to make a lot of noise about closing the border, the closer the presidential election gets, but that will be all talk, maybe temporary actions, to convince Democrats and Independents that have listed illegal immigrations as a top issue, to vote for him.
The border invasion that Biden has not only allowed but encouraged has brought about some very disturbing news, even more so that the aforementioned facts.
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, an illegal alien breached the Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas.
At approximately 3:48 a.m. CST on May 23, 2024, Laughlin AFB was notified of the pursuit of a person by the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) adjacent to the installation North gate who then jumped the perimeter fence, entering Laughlin AFB. The person was tracked by USBP canine teams on base and was successfully apprehended by USBP at 4:57 a.m. CST. A cordon was established adjacent to base housing to ensure the safety of base residents during the incident. For questions or inquiries please contact 47th Flying Training Wing Public Affairs at (830) 313-8204.
While the announcement from Laughlin Air Force base doesn’t mention the nationality of the person who breached, other reports do tell us it was a 17-year-old Mexican male.
The fact that an illegal could breach the security of a U.S. Air Force base just by jumping a perimeter fence, should be a concern to all Americans, as that person was there for more than an hour before being caught.
Before getting into these next astounding numbers, a quick note on “fiscal years (FY).” The federal government’s fiscal year runs from the first day of October of one calendar year through the last day of September of the next. (Source)
Knowing China is hostile to the U.S., makes the following statistics even more egregious.
The data below comes from a report issued in April detailing border stats for March FY 2024.
• So far in FY24, 24,376 Chinese nationals have been encountered at the Southwest border. Encounters of Chinese nationals in March 2024 increased 8,500% compared to March 2021, and have surpassed all of last fiscal year––just six months into FY24.
Note, SD: It is critical to note here that the majority of Chinese nationals entering the U.S. illegally are military-aged men. They are building an army within the U.S.

Other numbers provided in the report are just as concerning, including the number of “gotaways,” meaning those that evaded border control all-together, so the numbers are basically a guess, but even said guess is dangerous beyond belief.
• Since President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas took office, there have been 9.2 million encounters nationwide and over 7.6 million encounters at the Southwest border.
• Additionally, over 1.8 million known gotaways have evaded U.S. Border Patrol under this administration. In testimony before the Committee last year, then-chief of U.S. Border Patrol (USBP), Raul Ortiz, said the total number of gotaways could be undercounted by as much as 20%.
• At the SW border in March 2024, CBP encountered 113,742 single adults, 66,641 family unit individuals, and 8,829 unaccompanied children.
Nearly 114,000 single adults. Let that sink in.
Let us put this into perspective. In 2023 there were 172,000 marines.
In just six months of the fiscal year 2024, from October to March, the amount of single adults crossing the border illegally is just 63,258 short of the largest U.S. military branch. If the next six months brings even half the amount of single adults crossing the border, it will be more than our entire Marine Corp, and this has been going on for years under Biden, less so with Trump’s immigration bans from countries with large numbers of terrorists, and open border during Obama’s terms.
As of September 2023, reported active-duty troops included:
453,551 in the Army
332,322 in the Navy
318,698 in the Air Force
172,577 in the Marine Corps
8,879 in the Space Force.
There are more illegals in the U.S. than all of our military forces combined.

Other statistics in the April 2024 report includes, an illegal alien from Lebanon caught at the border on March 17 admitted to being a Hezbollah terrorist and having intentions of making a bomb, a Haitian man who entered the U.S. via the unlawful CHNV parole program was arrested for sexual assault of a 15 year-old girl at migrant shelter in Massachusetts on March 13, and a Chinese national in the U.S. illegally breached a military base in California and refused to leave, also in March.
Top that of with the fact that in March, CBP, including Air and Marine Operations (AMO), seized 1,392 pounds of fentanyl coming across the Southwest border, bringing the total for the fiscal year to 9,657 pounds—enough to kill roughly 2 billion people, and we are looking at not just an invasion of America, but the very destruction of a nation encouraged and supported by Democrats, which includes the media.
Democrats want unlimited illegal immigration, because they are trying to “grow” their base for a one party permanent rule, but in doing so, they endanger the entire nation.