Nearly one-third of Gen Z Americans DO NOT value privacy, support having government surveillance cameras in every household

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The Democratic Marxist left in America is slowly but surely brainwashing our youth into believing that an all-powerful government is the best thing for society, as evidenced by another new survey.

A significant portion of Generation Z, approximately one-third, expresses acceptance towards the idea of government-installed surveillance cameras in every household, purportedly to address issues such as domestic violence and other illegal activities.

“Would you favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity?” a new survey from the Cato Institute asked, according to Zero Hedge. Of the responses, 29 percent of those aged 18-29 said yes.

Got that? Nearly one-third bought into this totalitarian BS under the guise of trying to ‘solve’ some problems. Never mind that such government-mandated surveillance would be a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment’s privacy guarantees.

The New York Post reports:

In 1791, the utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham proposed building a “panopticon” in which people’s behavior could be monitored at all times.

But Bentham’s panopticon was meant to be a prison. A sizable segment of Generation Z would like to call it home.

Among millennials (aged 30-44), 20 percent share the sentiment of accepting government-installed surveillance cameras in every household. However, as individuals grow older, the acceptance decreases significantly, with only 6 percent of Americans aged 45 and older supporting such measures.

In terms of political affiliation, 19 percent of liberals and 18 percent of centrists believe in government monitoring for safety purposes. Surprisingly, 9-11 percent of conservatives, very conservatives, and very liberals also agree, showcasing a convergence of opinions on this particular issue that transcends traditional political boundaries.

The Post notes further:

It’s the middle that has the ethic of old East German secret police — or the KGB.

Maybe that’s not surprising considering the way respectable liberal institutions now run themselves.

From Ivy League campuses to the publishing industry and the digital domains of Facebook, there is an Orwellian sense of perpetual emergency, an irrational fear that misinformation and hate speech will overwhelm society unless every utterance is subject to a censor’s scrutiny.

Even Orwell didn’t imagine Newspeak would require new pronouns.

In terms of racial breakdown, 33 percent of black Americans, 25 percent of Hispanics, 11 percent of whites, and 9 percent of Asians expressed their acceptance of government-installed surveillance cameras in every household.

The findings were part of a broader survey on American attitudes towards the potential implementation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Interestingly, the data showed that 53 percent of Americans who support a CBDC also support the idea of in-home surveillance cameras.

“Notably, Americans who support a CBDC stood out in how they think about in-home government surveillance cameras. A majority (53%) of Americans who support a CBDC support the government installing in-home surveillance cameras to reduce abuse and other illegal activity. This suggests that some of the psychology behind support for a CBDC springs from an above average comfort level with trading some personal autonomy and privacy for societal order and security,” the libertarian-leaning CATO Institute added.

For the record, the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects people’s privacy and guards against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. Under the Fourth Amendment, police must obtain a warrant supported by probable cause and have to describe with particularity the places to be searched and persons to be seized.

Strip searches, body cavity searches, and electronic surveillance are valid searches under the Fourth Amendment when supported by probable cause and conducted in a reasonable manner. The seizure of a person under the Fourth Amendment occurs when an officer shows authority and the person being seized submits to the authority. States can establish higher standards of search and seizure protection than required by the Fourth Amendment, but they cannot allow conduct that violates it. The Fourth Amendment also protects against warrantless acquisition of data by the government.

Now you know why the American Marxist left pushed Civics 101 courses out of high school.

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