New Documents Reveal mRNA Vax Causes Infertility & Cancer

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the Pfizer documents revealing that the company KNEW that their fake “vaccines” caused miscarriages and infertility which we initially warned about in 2020. Of course previous papers showed they tried to cover up the fact that basically every pregnant mouse in their tests had miscarriages or died but now the documents Pfizer tried to keep hidden show they knowingly told women to get the deadly mRNA injections while pregnant despite knowing it causes infertility, birth defects, miscarriage and among women who aren’t pregnant, a massive risk of never being able to get pregnant as well as excessive bleeding, including among young girls and elderly women. This makes up 16% of the mRNA vaccine’s “adverse reactions.” Meanwhile an enormous amount of studies, testimonies and warnings from scientists and doctors prove that Turbo Cancer is directly related to the “Covid vaccines.” Moderna has even acknowledged publicly that their injections lead to cancer. The BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin has been exposed as avoiding the vaccines he helped bring to market in the first place. Now, new Bird Flu vaccines are being pushed forward on the market as mask mandates return to countless cities worldwide and fearmongering continues. Attempted murder is being insinuated regarding a Canadian doctor in Alberta who was on the Covid Data Task Force. More information proves the Polio Vaccine did not save lives and indeed lead to more deaths.

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