New unelected “governor” of New York replacing unvaccinated health care workers with National Guard soldiers

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 Fascism is really heating up in New York as the National Guard is now being deployed to replace all of the hospital and nursing home workers who refuse to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Fill-in Gov. Kathy Hochul – Hochul was appointed, not elected, to the position of “governor” after sexual predator Andrew Cuomo was ousted – announced on Monday that New York National Guard troops are being sent to every facility across the state where health care employees are refusing the “Operation Warp Speed” injections, no matter their reason.

Since there are suddenly no longer enough doctors, nurses and other medical staff to care for patients, Hochul’s solution is to fill that void with National Guard troops – because why not?

Hochul invoked what she claims are legitimate emergency powers that allow her to hire government agents to take the place of actual medical professionals who know what they are doing in a health care setting. What this means is soldiers in fatigues will now be practicing medicine without a license in order to keep people “safe” against the “unvaccinated” health care workers they are replacing.

During her press conference, Hochul patted herself on the back for the move by claiming that it is “nation-leading.” She is quite proud of herself, in other words, for militarizing New York’s health care infrastructure under the guise of fighting a “pandemic.”

Nearly 100,000 health care workers in New York face getting fired by Hochul for refusing the jab

Of the state’s 450,000 hospital personnel, upwards of 70,000 of them have chosen not to take the shots. Another 25,000 or so nursing home and adult care facility employees are doing the same.

This means that nearly 100,000 health care workers in New York are being fired by Hochul and replaced with National Guard troops who will soon be occupying health care facilities across the Empire State.

Hochul denies that she wanted things to be this way, claiming it was “not my first position.” Her “desire,” she says, is “to have the people who’ve been out there continue to work in their jobs, work in them safely.”

“And to all the other health care workers who are vaccinated, they also deserve to know that the people they’re working with will not get them sick.”

This latter statement suggests that the so-called “vaccines” do not actually work, otherwise it would not be a risk to the “fully vaccinated” to have them working alongside the “unvaccinated.”

Plainly stated, the jabs do not provide any protection whatsoever and the government is now fully admitting this. And in New York, preference is being given to those who took the jabs rather than those who made the wise decision to leave their immune systems and DNA alone.

Hochul claims that she had no choice but to ruin the lives of nearly 100,000 New Yorkers who were diligently doing their jobs before she interfered and told them they needed to be fired for refusing the Operation Warp Speed shots.

“The biggest crisis New York has is its so-called ‘leadership,’ which created the declared crisis,” wrote one Natural News commenter about how Hochul has hit the ground running with a fresh wave of tyranny.

“This new governor is an even worse communist than the last,” wrote another about how Hochul is already much worse than Cuomo. “I would rather quit my job than be forced to take the jab. Not to mention her trying to twist the word of God to get people to comply. I’m not sure what god she is praying to, but it’s not the One True God. He will provide.”

This latter comment references bizarre statements Hochul recently made about how “god” wants people to get vaccinated for Chinese Germs.

The latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at

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