Newly Obtained Document Shows Using Terms Like “Red-Pilled” May Place YOU On A FBI Watch List

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FBI training materials were recently acquired by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, revealing the further politically motivated weaponization of law enforcement under the Biden administration. The shocking documents illustrate how the FBI categorizes everyday Americans who use trendy terms like “red-pilled” or “blue-pilled” as possible extremists. The categories they sort people into are involuntary celibate violent extremists (IVEs) and religiously or ethnically motivated violent extremism (RMVE). 

The FBI document states:

“Indicators of IVE ideology may comprise constitutionally protected conduct, and no single indicator should be the sole basis for determining IVE or criminal activity. The following indicators of IVE ideology may constitute a basis for reporting or law enforcement action when observed with suspicious criminal or potentially violent activity.”

The foundation received a glossary of terms FBI agents are warned to be aware of. The definitions for words such as “Chads” and “Stacys” are included. Most people would associate these terms with the ideal male and female, like “Ken” and “Barbie,” but the three letter agencies attach these words to extremism. According to the FBI documents, using phrases such as “LARPing,” “red pill,” and “based” equates to taking part in racial and ethical-extremist language. These documents reveal that the woke faction directing the FBI is trying to portray words and speech often associated with conservative voices as violent.
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