OSHA RAIDS Covid Critic’s Bank Account: Government Targets Dissident For Fighting JAB Mandate

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Italians have a knack for calling out BS when they see it.
Tony Roman is the owner of Basilico’s Italian Restaurant in Huntington Beach, California and he joins Stew Peters to talk about how the government confiscated the money in his bank account.
Back during the first Pandemic instead of obeying mask mandates, Tony banned their use while at his place of business.
Instead of asking to see proof of vaccination cards, Tony only welcomed the unvaccinated at his restaurant.
Now, OSHA has raided Tony Roman’s bank account and stolen over 100K from his business.
In January of 2021, OSHA tried to enter the restaurant but Tony mocked them and refused to let them in.
Three years later he got a notice saying his bank account had a balance of zero.
OSHA officials claim they are going to attempt to steal more money from Tony Roman.
These government bureaucracies are parasites that only produce destruction.
Americans must use the heroic stand of Tony Roman as an inspiration to never back down and never surrender to the radical Left.

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