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Over 200 active-duty and veteran servicemembers have released an open letter demanding accountability from U.S. military leaders for violating their legal and constitutional rights when they implemented Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates.
The signatories, representing different branches of the military, accused military leaders, including now-retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, of overstepping legal boundaries during the enforcement of COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The open letter asserts that the leaders broke the law, denied informed consent and permitted what the signatories describe as “unwilling medical experimentation.”
“They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people,” reads the letter. “Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled.”
The letter, addressed to the Department of Defense, stated that the actions of these leaders have caused significant harm to both the Armed Forces and the individuals within them, leading to financial, emotional, and physical suffering. The signatories argue that individuals have experienced an ongoing physical and mental toll.
“While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion,” the signatories said.
Moreover, the military members claim that military leaders have been ignoring appeals despite efforts to communicate these grievances internally. This, in turn, led the members to seek accountability through the Defense Department.
U.S. Navy Commander Rob Green stressed that the signatories are not only seeking accountability but also standing up against leaders who, in their view, have willfully harmed those they are supposed to lead.
“While we will be the first to support leaders who fully acknowledge the harm done and attempt to restore everyone impacted, we have not received any evidence such actions are planned. Absent such radical changes, we commit to bringing about the accountability required to win back the trust of the American people, however long that takes,” Green said.
Controversial COVID-19 vaccine mandates have long-term consequences for the military
This controversy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine mandates led to thousands of active servicemembers who refused the shots to be discharged. The lack of interest in rejoining the military among those discharged lingers even after the Army scrapped the mandates in February 2023.
The letter warns that the armed forces, already struggling to meet recruitment goals, may face long-term consequences. (Related: U.S. military facing recruitment shortages, with most potential service members DISQUALIFIED.)
Former Army public health officer Mark Bashaw, who faced disciplinary action for opposing the mandate, spoke of the potential negative effects on the leadership dynamics in the military.
“One of the main impacts is a high concentration of yes-men and women within command authority and leadership positions, willing to do anything to please their bosses and their ‘careers,’ while willfully ignoring what is lawful, legal, moral, and ethical,” Bashaw said.
Lt. Col. Carolyn Rocco, an active-duty investigator for the U.S. Air Force, echoed these concerns in an email to Life Site News. She even emphasized the danger of having a squad dominated by people who refrain from providing feedback or criticism.
“The religious and conscientious service members who saw the legal, medical, moral, religious and ethical problems surrounding the vax mandate were the ones who spoke up. By removing them from service, what is left is a population who will likely continue to ‘go along to get along,’ and that can result in a weakened national defense, which directly impacts everyone, not just those affiliated with the military,” Rocco wrote.
“We see you. We hear you. There is no going back to how things used to be. Now is the time to act if we [have] any desire to save this country.”
Meanwhile, the open letter signatories predict that the ripple effects of these mandates will extend to the political arena, with people within their network running for Congress or seeking appointments to executive branch offices. Their objective is to actively address what they perceive as violations of law and ethics by pursuing military punishments or legislative resolutions.
They stressed that their efforts are not just directed at the DoD but serve as a broader message to all Americans.
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