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Sesame Street slammed for shamelessly using one of their most popular characters to shill vaccines to children.
PBS children’s show Sesame Street has released a public service announcement using its popular Elmo character to promote the experimental mRNA jab to children.
In the PSA, Elmo excitedly compares his single bandaid after receiving his first jab to his father Louie, who has three bandages presumably depicting two jabs and a booster.
“Now daddy has super duper bandages just like Elmo,” the red muppet exclaims, with his father telling him, “You were super duper today getting your COVID vaccine, Elmo.”
“Yeah, there was a little pinch,” Elmo admits, adding, “But it was okay.”
Elmo’s father then has an aside with viewers, claiming he “had a lot of questions about Elmo getting the COVID vaccine.”
“Was it safe? Was it the right decision? I talked to our pediatrician so I could make the right choice. I learned that Elmo getting vaccinated is the best way to keep himself, our friends, neighbors and everyone else healthy and enjoying the things they love.”
The ad is co-sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which also released a PSA last week telling parents to consult pediatricians about the Covid jab for children.
Predictably, comments on Sesame Street’s YouTube upload of the ad are turned off, however Sesame Street was slammed on Twitter for shamelessly using one of their most popular characters to shill vaccines for children.

“Thanks, @sesamestreet for saying parents are allowed to have questions! You then have @elmo aggressively advocate for vaccinating children UNDER 5. But you cite ZERO scientific evidence for this,” replied Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), linking to a letter asking the FDA for info on the efficacy of vaccines for children.
The disgraceful ad comes just weeks after the CDC issued its recommendation “that all children 6 months through 5 years of age should receive a Covid-19 vaccine,” despite little to no evidence of its effectiveness.
The jab’s essential inefficacy in children was highlighted by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) during a Senate Health Committee hearing earlier this month, where he took NIAID Director Anthony Fauci to task over the CDC approving the jab despite a lack of data.
As usual, satire site The Babylon Bee was light years ahead in predicting Sesame Street would do this:
Sesame Street characters have previously been used to shill the Covid vaccine for youngsters, with Big Bird and other muppets appearing in a CNN segment with Sanjay Gupta last year to promote the vaccines after the CDC approved them for children aged 5 to 11.
Before that, Obama era Surgeon General Vivek Murthy also appeared alongside Elmo to promote childhood vaccinations.