Perception Becomes Behavior…

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If you keep repeating a lie, eventually it becomes the truth. It becomes “the truth” that the liar wanted. All you need to see through all of the lies that are constantly being told to you by the mainstream media is an open mind and be a critical thinker. Trust me, it is not an easy path to live on. I used to belong to the “cult of personality”, watching endless hours of “predictive programming” television shows and movies. It’s easy to do that and that is why it’s constantly being “sold” to you. Once you break away from that and start to see things for what they are and start to question everything, you cannot go back and you will actually miss those luxuries of illusions. But I would rather question everything than remain a sheeple. Below is a great video with David Icke talking about these things. As uncomfortable as it may be, try to watch and listen to the message and then “question it” in your mind and see if you agree with it.

(Update: You can thank censorship for the missing video. Obviously the “powers that be” don’t want you to see it.)

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