This article comes from Mike Adams via “”
The US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) has been actively involved in engineering biological weapons for decades. Long before Fauci and the NIH were funding gain-of-function bioweapons development with the People’s Liberation Army in Wuhan, China, the USDA ran a bioweapons facility on Plum Island that was tasked with researching agricultural weapons that could be used to attack and destroy the food supply of enemy nations. (Both Cuba and the former Soviet Union were considered likely targets.)
In a bombshell story published by Xinhua news agency in 2021, author, researcher and journalism professor Karl Grossman alleges that Lyme Disease was one of the many bioweapons produced in this US government-funded laboratory originally staffed by Nazi scientists who were brought to the USA under Operation Paperclip, a program that saw the US government recruit former Nazi scientists to work in fields like rocketry (NASA), medicine and computing. From that story:
The “godfather” of the Plum Island laboratory was a Nazi bioweapon expert, Erich Traub, who was brought to the United States after the Second World War.
“During the WWII, Traub ran a Nazi secret biological warfare laboratory in the Baltic on an island called Riems, with a mission to poison cattle in the Soviet Union. Also, Traub had some familiarity with the New York area before the WWII. He was also involved in Nazi activities on the Long Island,” Grossman noted.
“There was a military base on the island at that time for over 50 years, which was called Fort Terry. Thus this notion was to make this laboratory to do biological warfare,” he said, noting the lab was later taken over by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
This bioweapons laboratory facility, launched by Nazi scientists and later handed over to the USDA, was involved in agricultural bioweapons that could be used to attack the Soviet Union and other nations:
“In 1993, an investigative reporter for Newsday, John McDonald, was able to obtain documents including a document which was reprinted on the front page of Newsday,” he said.
“This document said the mission of Plum Island would in fact to develop biological warfare weaponry that would be used to poison cattle and other livestock in the former Soviet Union,” he added.
Grossman goes on to reveal that a USDA tour guide admitted to him that the Plum Island facility was, indeed, involved in biological warfare research but the agency claimed it was “defensive” research. That’s the same excuse currently used by Fauci and the NIH when it comes to funding SARS-CoV-2 gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
A 2005 GAO report confirms collusion between DHS and USDA on pathogens that can be transformed into agricultural bioweapons
In his interview, Grossman cites a 2005 GAO report that he explains makes reference to pathogens that can be turned into agricultural bioweapons. We have confirmed the existence of this report at the website (remarkably, it hasn’t been scrubbed yet).
The report is entitled, “Plum Island Animal Disease Center: DHS and USDA Are Successfully Coordinating Current Work, but Long-Term Plans Are Being Assessed.”
The document is indexed as “GAO-06-132” and can be found at this link:
The full text of this research document, available at this link on the GAO’s servers, confirms all the following:
- The USDA ran the Plum Island bioweapons research facility until June of 2003.
- At that time, operations were transferred to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), confirming its research had national security implications.
- Currently, the USDA and DHS collaborate on bioweapons research at the facility, under the cover story of studying “foreign animal diseases.”
- The DHS funds all the operations there. From the GAO report: “DHS is now responsible for all of the costs associated with operating and maintaining Plum Island.”
- DHS was working in the early 2000s to expand the facility to handle “higher biosecurity” threats. Specifically, they sought to expand the Plum Island facility to, “enable the study of other highly contagious viruses in large animals, such as Nipah virus, which affects swine and can also be fatal to humans.”
- Rift Valley fever was also being researched at the Plum Island facility. From the report: “Research conducted outside of Plum Island on Nipah virus and Rift Valley fever is very limited.”
- The USDA, DHS and GAO were all aware that Nipah virus and Rift Valley fever could be deployed against human populations and modern economies to achieve significant economic and food supply disruptions. From the report: “Nipah virus and Rift Valley fever… which affect both humans and livestock, as warranting greater attention because an outbreak could result in economic disruption or interfere with trade.”
Just as Fauci used the NIAID and “defensive research” as a cover story for the gain-of-function development of a covid bioweapon that was unleashed upon America (followed by the vaccine bioweapon which is a far more aggressive infertility and depopulation attack), we believe the USDA used the “foreign animal diseases” story line as a cover for its pursuit of deadly agricultural biological weapons that could be used to devastate a nation’s food supply. In the case of Lyme Disease, such a weapon could even attack humans and inject them with toxic pathogens.
The USDA now appears to be unleashing biological weapons on America
As you ponder this true history about the USDA, remember that the same agency is right now using a fleet of helicopters to carpet bomb 13 US states with toxic “rabies vaccine” food bait. It’s made with a vaccine that’s listed as “hazardous to health” if “ingested,” indicating that this is actually a USDA-promoted bioweapon being deployed against the United States rather than the old Soviet Union.
More likely, the USDA is spreading rabies-like bioweapons across the United States right now, using a fleet of helicopters and vehicles to toss these “vaccines” onto roadways, including those in urban areas (which makes no sense since there’s virtually no wildlife in urban areas).
In our coverage from yesterday, we documented how this so-called “oral rabies vaccines” is listed as “Potentially hazardous to health if ingested.” You can see it listed right on the sheet at this link from the manufacturer’s website.
That same sheet says quite plainly, “All people should avoid contact” with this so-called rabies vaccine, yet it is being indiscriminately thrown onto roadways and wildlife areas across 13 US states. This article confirms that these toxic bait packets are being tossed from vehicles in urban areas, meaning the USDA is quite literally hiring people to drive around America’s cities and dump toxic rabies poison on America’s streets. This sounds like something they might have once done to the Soviet Union as a bioweapons attack, but now they’re doing it in America.
Yet we are supposed to believe that the USDA cares so much about raccoons that they would hire fleets of helicopters and vehicles just to keep those raccoons safe from a pathogen.
This is the same agency that approves of genetically modified crops and deadly chemical pesticides and herbicides that now saturate the US food supply. Based on its history and actions, the USDA should be called the, “United States Death Agency.”
Thanks to COVID fraud and deception, the institutions of “science” and infectious disease have proven they cannot be trusted
The huge takeaway from all this is that the covid plandemic has exhaustively demonstrated how so-called science-based institutions can never be trusted to tell the truth about the real motivations behind their infectious disease research. Any time they claim to be doing “defensive” research into biological weapons or deadly pathogens, they’re actually conducting offensive research in conjunction with the DoD or DHS.
Hence the entire existence of Pentagon-funded bioweapons facilities in Ukraine. And Africa, too.
Remember, every time Fauci told us he wasn’t approving funding for gain-of-function research about covid, he was lying. When the USDA says they are researching defensive solutions for biological threats to livestock, they are lying, too.
The USDA is the same agency that incinerated kittens in ovens after conducting cruel research on them. We covered that story in 2018, and the USDA never denied carrying out these activities. Do you trust the ethics and morality of a government agency that incinerates kittens in ovens?
The USDA, much like the NIH, NIAID, CDC and FDA, is in the business of harming humanity by developing and deploying biological weapons through multiple vectors, including food, wildlife, genetic engineering and vaccines. No federal agency combines so many horrors under one roof, nor does any other agency so perfectly align with the luciferian agendas of mass suffering and death. See for more news coverage of the USDA’s mass poisoning of America.
Get the rest of this mind-blowing true story in today’s Situation Update podcast: