Law enforcement has uncovered a 13-page manifesto written by Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon, 25, in which he revealed his sick and twisted liberal logic for carrying out a mass shooting.
In his manifesto, the shooter laid out his three goals for the murderous endeavor: he wanted to kill himself, he wanted to prove how easy it was to purchase a gun in Kentucky, and he wanted to highlight a mental health crisis in America.
On April 4, the suicidal mass murderer bought an AR-15 assault rifle.
At 8:33 am on April 10, Sturgeon entered the Old National Bank in downtown Louisville where he was employed. He was reportedly fired – or was going to be fired – from his job after executives lost confidence in his abilities to perform as he struggled to fit in.
As he entered the bank, a former female colleague greeted him at the entrance. He told her, “You need to get out of here” and told her to run. As she ran away, Sturgeon lifted the rifle and tried to shoot her but realized the gun was unloaded and the safety was still on.
Sturgeon quickly loaded the gun and took off the safety, again aiming at the fleeing woman and shooting her in the back. It is unclear if the female employee is one of the victims or if she survived the shooting.
He then opened fire inside the bank, ultimately killing five victims: Thomas Elliott, 63, Joshua Barrick, 40, Juliana Farmer, 45, James Tutt, 64, and Deana Eckert, 57.
Sturgeon was live-streaming the mass shooting on Instagram.
These beautiful, beloved people were killed because of a deranged man who wanted to prove a point in a sick way. The victims were mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, grandparents, and friends.
Now they are dead because of a twisted political message that one mentally ill man felt he needed to convey.

Sturgeon was ultimately shot dead by responding police officers, one of whom is in critical condition after being shot in the head.
Sharing the insane liberal logic of their son, Sturgeon’s parents are reportedly “aghast” that the assault rifle their son used to murder five people would be sold in a public auction to the highest bidder, as is Kentucky law.
In a statement issued by the shooter’s anti-gun family, they are working with the Louisville Metro Police Department and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to “ensure the assault rifle is legally destroyed”… as if the rifle itself was responsible for the mass murder.