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The Pentagon on Monday admitted they could not independently confirm Ukraine’s account of the killings that took place in Bucha.
Reuters, “Pentagon can’t independently confirm atrocities in Ukraine’s Bucha, official says”
The U.S. military is not in a position to independently confirm Ukrainian accounts of atrocities by Russian forces against civilians in the town of Bucha, but has no reason to dispute the accounts either, said on Monday.
“We’re seeing the same imagery that you are. We have no reason whatsoever to refute the Ukrainian claims about these atrocities — clearly, deeply, deeply troubling,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
“The Pentagon can’t independently and single handedly confirm that, but we’re also not in any position to refute those claims.”
The Kremlin has denied accusations related to the murder of civilians in the town.
The New York Times and Reuters have both said they could not independently verify Ukrainian officials’ story.
Nonetheless, according to the Pentagon, the Ukrainians — who have been
caught pushing lie after lie after lie to lobby for NATO intervention — apparently have no reason to lie about what went down in Bucha.
Zelensky, since day four of the war when he instituted mass conscription of all men aged 18 to 60 and handed out arms en masse to turn civilians into enemy combatants, has aimed to get as many civilians killed as possible for atrocity propaganda purposes.
The Pentagon’s statement reads like comedy.
Despite the Pentagon admitting they can’t independently confirm what happened, Biden went ahead and once again declared Putin a “war criminal” because, in his words, “we saw what happened in Bucha.”
We don’t know what happened in Bucha and anyone who trusts the Ukrainian government given their awful track record and repeated calls for their troops to commit war crimes is a complete moron.
There’s a lot of evidence to suggest the people who were massacred in Bucha may have been pro-Russian locals or pro-Russian collaborators.
The Grayzone
Within hours of Russia’s withdrawal from the Bucha on March 31st, its mayor announced that his city had been liberated from “Russian orcs,” employing a dehumanizing term widely used by Azov Battalion. An accompanying article noted the Russians had “mined civilian buildings and infrastructure,” but no mention was made of any mass killing of local citizens, let alone scores of corpses left in the street, which one might reasonably expect would be top of any news outlet’s agenda when reporting on the event.
On April 2, within hours of the publication of photos and videos purporting to show victims of an alleged Russian massacre, Ukrainian media reported that specialist units had begun “clearing the area of saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops.” Nothing was said about dead bodies in the streets.
The National Police of Ukraine announced that day that they were “cleaning the territory…from the assistants of Russian troops,” publishing video that showed no corpses in the streets of Bucha and Ukrainian forces in full control of the city.
UPDATE: The National Police of Ukraine either just took the video down sometime late Monday night or early Tuesday morning or else Facebook just deleted it!
The Grayzone continued: “A clip of the reported ‘clean-up operation’ published by Sergey Korotkikh, a notorious neo-Nazi Azov member, shows one member of his unit asking another if he can shoot ‘guys without blue armbands,’ referring to those without the marking worn by Ukrainian military forces. The militant stridently responds, ‘fuck yeah!’ Korotkikh has since deleted the video, perhaps fearing it implicated his unit in a war crime.”
The New York Times released grainy alleged satellite photos purportedly showing several bodies were there for weeks.
“One video filmed by a local council member on April 1 shows multiple bodies scattered along Yablonska Street in Bucha,” the Times reported. “Satellite images provided to The Times by Maxar Technologies show that at least 11 of those had been on the street since March 11, when Russia, by its own account, occupied the town.”
“The causes of death are unclear. Some of the bodies were beside what appears to be an impact crater,” the Times said.
UPDATE II: Maxar, the firm that provided the alleged Bucha satellite images to the NYT, works directly with the US Department of Defense, Army and Space Force.

Maxar is owned by Vricon, “a global leader in satellite-derived 3D data for defense and intelligence markets.”
Vricon’s headquarters is right by the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia.